Familia, sociedad y organización política en Santa María del Puerto del Príncipe durante el siglo XVII

  1. Martin Fuentes, Odalmis De La Caridad
Supervised by:
  1. Francisco Chacón Jiménez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 04 April 2017

  1. José Antonio Piqueras Arenas Chair
  2. Juan Hernández Franco Secretary
  3. Sandra Olivero Guidobono Committee member

Type: Thesis


Abstract: The purpose of this research is to explain the socio-political organization established in La Villa de Santa Maria del Puerto del Principe during the seventeenth century, founded in Cuba, where families of peninsular hidalgos of Agramonte, Agüero, de la Torre, Miranda, Sanchez, Socarrás, Velasco and Zayas Bazán, were associated using the strategy of marriage to each other and wed their children and blood relatives with other members within the same family, or successors of Balboa, Borrero, de la Coba, Consuegra, Duque de Estrada, Guillen del Castillo, Molina, Muñoz, Ravelo, Recio who maintained the same social status and shared the same religious ideas. This control of political power was exercised by 176 men, of which 133 belonged to the same family, generation after generation, forming a network that allowed them to remain in the main positions of the council, and therefor protect their family heritage.