Respuesta cardíaca en sesiones de Educación Física en alumnado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
- Muñoz Martinez, Francisco Antonio
- Juan Luis Yuste Lucas Director
- José Ignacio Alonso Roque Director
Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Murcia
Fecha de defensa: 20 de de desembre de 2016
- Pedro Ángel López Miñarro President
- José María Muyor Rodríguez Secretari/ària
- Fernando Alacid Cárceles Vocal
Tipus: Tesi
ABSTRACT Justification.- Nowadays, the main national and international institutions are considering physical activity as an universal therapy for several diseases, in order to their watching, prevention and treatment. Therefore, it comes to be vital at school-age to deal with that concerning issue from the different perspectives directed to teach healthy habits. These are the reasons why the reference institutions recommend to do physical activity with a MVPA intensity level during a period of time progressively longer. Objectives.- Our main goals are to describe the average heart rate and the time, measured in minutes, and percent of time spent at the different intensity levels. We will also compare the average heart rate and the time, measured in minutes, and percent of time spent at the different intensity levels, between gender and school grades, according to what established by the primary institutions for Physical Education lessons. Methodology.- This is a quantitative nonexperimental research with a descriptive, comparative and correlational design, made with a total of 82 students (40 boys and 42 girls) from first, second, third and fourth grade of Secondary Education. Results.- The results show that, during Physical Education sessions, students perform at MVPA level an average time of 65.7% (66% boys, 65.4% girls). Conclusions.- According to the results, show that, although the percent of time spent at MVPA level during Physical Education sessions are above the recommended 50% and above the percent shown by the comparative researches, they do not meet the recommendations of weekly frequency and duration in minutes established by different national and international institutions or organisations.