Caracterización de la osteocondrosis carpometacarpiana en el toro de lidia (Bos taurus)estudio de factores predisponentes

  1. Mas Soler, Alberto
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Francisco José Pallarés Martínez Doktorvater/Doktormutter
  2. Juan Seva Alcaraz Doktorvater
  3. José Manuel Sanes Vargas Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 20 von November von 2020

  1. Aniceto Méndez Sánchez Präsident/in
  2. Francisco Martínez Gomariz Sekretär
  3. Juan José Quereda Torres Vocal
  1. Anatomía y Anatomía Patológica Comparadas

Art: Dissertation


In this thesis we consider the characterization of carpometacarpal osteochondrosis (OC) and the study of its predisposing factors in the fighting bull. To this end, the thoracic limbs of 182 fighting breed bovine males, fought in bullrings, and 39 beef cattle males were analyzed. The degree of OC and the degree of fall were determined. A study of the OC was carried out using radiography, tomography and arthroscopy. And the biostatics of the thoracic limb was studied. The prevalence of OC in fighting bulls was 92.31% and 97.4% in beef cattle. The lesions were located bilaterally (93.41%) and symmetrical (65.93%), with a higher incidence in the left limb, and always in the medial articular aspect of the III and IV metacarpal bones, coinciding with the area of increased biomechanical stress. The lesions were classified as grade I (25.27%), grade II (32.9%) and grade III (34.07%). In the fighting bull, valgus support was presented to a greater or lesser extent. Weight and lineage were factors that influenced the appearance of OC. Finally, the degree of fall increased with the percentage of OC injury. Key words: Bullfight, osteochondrosis, carpometacarpal joint.