Atención selectiva, eficacia atencional, habilidades coordinativas, estado nutricional y rendimiento académico en función de los niveles de actividad física y condición física en escolares de Educación Primaria de la Región de Murcia

  1. Martinez Garcia, Hector Antonio
Supervised by:
  1. Eliseo García Cantó Director
  2. Andrés Rosa Guillamón Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 26 March 2021

  1. José Enrique Moral García Chair
  2. Tomás Izquierdo Rus Secretary
  3. María Carrasco Poyatos Committee member
  1. Artistic, Musical and Body Expression

Type: Thesis

Sustainable development goals


Introduction: In today's society, the practice of physical activity is becoming increasingly important. Some research suggests that physical activity as a human behavior and physical condition as a biological state could be related to various cognitive variables such as selective attention, attentional efficacy or inhibitory control. The development of attention has been acquiring greater importance in recent years due to the implications in the executive functions of school-age subjects. A relationship could be established between physical activity and improvement in mental processes and, therefore, with academic performance. The study of the variables linked to the development of physical condition, nutritional status and coordination skills, such as, for example, physical activity carried out by primary school students could provide scientific evidence on the type of physical activity and the intensity required in the physical education classes. Objective: To analyze the relationship between physical activity and physical condition with selective attention, motor coordination and academic performance. Method: A total of 553 schoolchildren participated in the five studies, of which 300 are boys and 253 girls, between 6 and 11 years old. The study of the influence of a physical activity program on selective attention and attentional efficacy had an initial sample of 44 participants. A quasi-experimental intrasubject study was designed with pre-post measurements. The application of the physical activity program lasted eight weeks and attention was measured by the Test of Perception of Similarities and Differences (Face Test). The study on aerobic physical exercise and selective attention in schoolchildren with a sample of 88 participants, 44 participants participated in the control group and 44 participated in the experimental group. A quasi-experimental intrasubject study was designed with pre-post measurements. The instruments used were the “La Milla test” for physical exercise, an ad-hoc questionnaire to measure the sociodemographic variable and the Test of Perception of Similarities and Differences (Test of Faces) to measure attention. In the analysis of coordination by gender, age and level of physical activity, 101 participants participated. A descriptive cross-sectional study was designed. As instruments, the short physical activity test Krece Plus and the 3JS Test were used to measure coordination. In the study where motor coordination and academic performance were related, 163 participants participated. A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out. Motor coordination was measured with the GRAMI-2 Test. Academic performance was obtained through the average grades of the subjects of Spanish Language, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, English and Art. In the study where nutritional status and motor coordination were related, 153 schoolchildren participated, the body mass index (BMI) was used for nutritional status and the GRAMI-2 Test to measure motor coordination. Results: Statistical analysis showed that schoolchildren who practice physical activity obtain better results in selective attention, especially those who develop their aerobic capacity and their coordination capacities. In an analysis of motor coordination, we did not find significant differences by gender, although differences were found when we analyzed motor skills based on age and degree of physical condition. Schoolchildren with greater motor coordination showed better academic performance. Conclusions: It is observed that carrying out a physical activity program of sixteen sessions, based on muscular strength-endurance exercises and cooperative challenges, could have positive effects on selective attention and attentional efficacy. Along the same lines, it is established that a session of short duration and moderate-vigorous intensity aerobic physical exercise could be related to an improvement in inhibitory control. Schoolchildren with a higher level of physical activity were found to have a higher level of motor coordination. Likewise, higher levels of motor coordination are related to higher performance in curricular areas. Finally, it occurs that a higher level of motor coordination is related to a lower body mass index (BMI).