La poesía de William Ospinauna mirada romántica

  1. Valero Bernal, Victor
Supervised by:
  1. Vicente Cervera Salinas Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 25 March 2021

  1. Trinidad Barrera López Chair
  2. Berta Guerrero Almagro Secretary
  3. Carmen Alemany Bay Committee member
  1. Spanish Literature, Literary Theory and Comparative Literature

Type: Thesis


The present doctoral thesis intends to analyze the poetic work of the Colombian writer William Ospina from a Romantic comprehension of the world. The deepening of the Romantic aspects latent in his poetry is not based on demonstrating the direct influence of a poet, a certain style or a specific way of creating typical of Romanticism, rather we will try to tackle the Romantic roots of William Ospina from a way of feeling and interpreting the reality that surrounds him and that he reflects in his poetry. Starting from this hypothesis, our objective will be to confirm the immanent Romantic progeny in the poetic work of William Ospina. To achieve this, we will use an an open methodology based on literature review and interpretive analysis. In the first place, we will begin with a double theoretical and descriptive bibliographic review: on the one hand, we will approach studies and anthologies of 20th century Colombian poetry that allow us to understand the context in which William Ospina is, as well as showing us authors who have manifested the possible Romanticism of their poetry; on the other hand, we will conduct an in-depth review of the Romantic movement, with special attention, although not exclusively, to the original current, which was conceived and developed in Germany. This last review leads to the next step in the methodology and the most important part of our research, which consists of reviewing the most important characteristics and motifs of Romanticism while tracing them in Ospina's poetic work. This involves the interpretive analysis of compositions belonging to all his published books: Hilo de arena (1985), La Luna del Dragón (1991), El país del viento (1992), ¿Con quién habla Virginia caminando hacia el agua? (1995) y Sanzetti (2018), as well as Poemas tempranos, the extensive poem entitled África and the unfinished poetry book La prisa de los árboles, included in their anthology Poesía 1974-2004 (2008). The research is divided into two sections: Romantic philosophy and Romantic motifs. The first focuses on those aspects of Romanticism present in Ospina's poetry that are most important from the philosophical point of view: the conception of the world from the Romantic spirit; romanticization, in which the notion of imagination, freedom, genius and estrangement is inserted; the idea of the poet as seer; also poetry as truth, where there are concepts such as the One, the infinite and the instant; and finally, the fight against the evils of the modern world. The second section delves into elements that, although they cannot be separated from the philosophy of movement, have a higher level of concreteness in the artistic work. These are: Romantic religion and its main motives; nature, highlighting the presence of the stone, the night or the moon; the motif of the dream and the unconsciousness; the veil of Isis and the discovery of truth; the sublime as a necessary experience; the love and its relationship with death and eroticism; the links between poetry, painting and music; and, finally, Romantic irony and its materialization in poetic work. Facing Romanticism, understood as a movement limited to a certain time and space, the Romantic appears, conceived as an attitude of the spirit and a way of looking at the world, understanding existence and inhabiting the Earth. Although there was a historical moment in which Romanticism and the Romantic coexisted, at present only the second remains alive: the poetry of William Ospina is a latent evidence for the validity of the Romantic in our days. Keywords: Romanticism, William Ospina, poetry, Romantic