Osteocondrosis y su relación en la "caída" del toro de lidia

Supervised by:
  1. Aniceto Méndez Sánchez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Córdoba (ESP)

Fecha de defensa: 10 May 2013

  1. Antonio Bernabé Salazar Chair
  2. Indalecio Ruiz Calatrava Secretary
  3. Enrico Bollo Committee member

Type: Thesis


Osteochondrosis (OC) is a disorder of the cartilage growth in humans and domestic animals. In animals, the disease has been reported in pigs, dogs, horses, cattle Brahaman, cats and rats. It is considered as the most important cause of weakness in hind limbs of pigs and common cause of lameness in horses and dogs. It seems clear that heritability is the most important factor in its etiology. Hemodynamic disorders are involved in the pathogenesis of osteochondrosis, cartilage function altering directly on the blood vessels by altering the biomechanical properties of the surrounding structures. Necrosis of the vessels of the cartilage seems the beginning of the temporary interruption of the vessels leading from the marrow to the cartilage in a bone narrow age range during growth, causing a failure of endochondral ossification and focal necrosis. The origin of the “Fall” has caused numerous hypotheses and / or theories from those attributed to physical causes until you consider that the origin is genetic. It is considered that the fall is a problem caused by multiple factors differentiated between predisposing causes: (physical, psychological, nutritional, parasitic, excessive earliness) and Determinants (drugs, doping, pesticides, pathological, circulatory, nervous, metabolic, endocrine, genetic and behavioral). These contributions have been the base of our research to relate the lesions of osteochondrosis in the “Fall” that manifested during the bull fight, and the idea that this "Fall syndrome" is closely related to the heritability. This research was carried out a total of 450 male cattle breed bulls (12 yearlings, 42 steers not minced, chopped y306 90 steers bulls). Age is expressed in months from the date of birth to the time of fighting and death. The...