El agua, factor limitador o potenciador en el desarrollo local de la región de Murcia (España)

  1. Francisco José Morales Yago
  2. María Luisa de Lázaro y Torres
Hélices y anclas para el desarrollo local
  1. Juan Antonio Márquez Domínguez (dir.)
  2. Jorge Luis Llamas Chávez (dir.)

Publisher: Universidad de Cartagena ; Universidad de Huelva

ISBN: 978-84-8163-602-4 978-84-8163-601-7

Year of publication: 2019

Pages: 886-897

Type: Book chapter


The Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG6) “Ensure water availability and its sustainable management and sanitation for all” demonstrates the problem with water on a global scale, the world, but also on a local scale, than in Spain It especially affects the southern and southeastern half, due to the structural shortage of rainfall in it. Without water there is no life, therefore, the water stress of one region forces emigration (FAO), and in turn overloads other regions. The Region of Murcia is one of the areas that presents the greatest problems of water availability, and this fact mainly affects the economic sectors of greater development: traditional and intensive agriculture and tourism, focused on the modalities of sun and beach, cultural and rural tourism. To assess the advantages and disadvantages that may arise in relation to local development with respect to water, evidence will be collected on the situation of water in the region (articles, texts, news ...) and will be contrasted with a series of interviews with experts from the Region to see the efficiency in the use of water in it. As a result, proposals for improvement from the point of view of local and state management will be provided, the problem of lack of classroom as a dynamic or brake instrument will also be addressed in the perspectives of this geographical space whose conclusions may be exportable to others geographical areas.