Analyzing an absorptive capacityUnlearning context and Information System Capabilities as catalysts for innovativeness

  1. Cepeda Carrión, Gabriel A.
  2. Cegarra Navarro, Juan Gabriel
  3. Jiménez Jiménez, Daniel
Notas técnicas: [continuación de Documentos de Trabajo FUNCAS]

ISSN: 1988-8767

Argitalpen urtea: 2010

Zenbakia: 550

Mota: Laneko dokumentua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Notas técnicas: [continuación de Documentos de Trabajo FUNCAS]


This study examines the impact of a company�s unlearning context and information system (IS) capabilities on the company�s ability to challenge of basic beliefs and to implement processes that are explicitly or tacitly helpful in the reception of new ideas (absorptive capacity). We also examine the relationship between absorptive capacity and the existence and enhancement of innovativeness. These relationships are examined through an empirical investigation of 286 large Spanish companies. Our results show that absorptive capacity is an important dynamic determinant for developing a company�s innovativeness. Moreover, this relationship is best explained with two related constructs. Firstly, the company�s unlearning context plays a key role in managing the tension between potential absorptive capacity and realised absorptive capacity. Secondly, the results also shed light on a tangible means for managers to enhance their company�s innovativeness through IS capabilities.