El conflicto Perú-Colombia de 1932-1933análisis del planteamiento estratégico y la conducción operacional de las fuerzas de ambos países

  1. Rodriguez Asti, John Rolando
Supervised by:
  1. Juan José Sánchez Baena Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 11 December 2020

  1. Antonio Irigoyen López Chair
  2. Ana Díaz Serrano Secretary
  3. María Jesús Peñalver Martínez Committee member
  1. Modern, Contemporary and American History, History of Thought and Social and Political Movements

Type: Thesis


The Peru-Colombia Conflict of 1932-1933 was the last border dispute that confronted both countries, placing them on the brink of war, and is the subject of study in this doctoral thesis, where the description of the main events will be sought and exams an analytical study about the strategic approach and operational leadership of the forces of both countries. Posing the objectives of the work, a state of the question is carried out for the main published works in relation to the subject, identifying the main lines of research developed to date. In the following chapters the background and causes thereof are reviewed, derived from the first of a different interpretation by the country of the legal instruments related to the principle of Uti posidetis, a situation that confrontations in a war shortly after being born as independent republics and whose solution will remain pending until the beginning of the 20th century. Subsequently, the transactions that, favored by the US Government, are presented. The USA achieved the signing of a treaty that definitively fixes the borders between both countries, a treaty that is supposed to bring a new stage of peaceful coexistence, but which was rather the seed that originated the conflict that began in 1932. Finally, based on the information obtained and the strategic operational analysis, it is possible to determine that the internal political situation in each country was a determining factor in decision-making and in the operational leadership of its forces, probably in the first instance. moment, that Colombia take the initiative and obtain military superiority in the Theater of Operations, due to its strategic offensive attitude. Instead, Peru adopted a defensive strategic attitude, underestimating the Colombian reaction, but before the advance and initial successes of its forces, it will be forced to go on the offensive. The circumstances that occurred after the assassination of its president will prevent it from achieving the political objectives set at the beginning of the conflict. The work is accompanied by cartography and photographic material, allowing a better understanding of the territorial evolution of both countries, the theater of war and the theater of operations and the material of war used. Tables, annexes and appendices are also included, which expand on some of the information detailed in the thesis.