Proyecto ecourbano para el estudio del dibujo técnico en el marco de las competencias clave para la sostenibilidad

  1. Lozano Rivas, Fernando
Supervised by:
  1. Francisco del Cerro Velázquez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 18 February 2021

  1. Francisca José Serrano Pastor Chair
  2. Fernando Miguel García Martín Secretary
  3. Clara García Mayor Committee member
  1. Electromagnetism and Electronics

Type: Thesis


ABSTRACT In the present doctoral thesis carried out under the modality of a compendium of publications to obtain a PhD by the University of Murcia, a research is carried out in which the ecourban technical project is studied as an instrument in the teaching-learning process in order to, following the methodological approach proposed by UNESCO, promote the acquisition of contents in the area of technical drawing, reaching key competences for sustainability. To this end, the concept of Sustainable Development is examined from 1977 to the present day, and eco-urbanism is analysed as a discipline which, through the project method, allows ecourban objectives to be related to the planning of spaces with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). In the same way, sustainable technical projects are implemented in classroom to enable students to develop improvements in the learning of technical drawing content, activating key competencies for sustainability. These sustainable projects cover social, economic and environmental aspects; the main dimensions that support Education for Sustainable Development. The specific objectives of this research are: * To justify the potential of the proposed innovative instrument (eco-urbanism) in the teaching-learning process of STEM subjects supported by advanced design tools, while contributing from education to the implementation of SDG in classroom. * To analyse whether eco-urbanism through technical projects supported by ICT, and implemented in the classroom with high school students in the technical drawing subject, is a methodological instrument that offers a significant improvement in both the motivation and learning of students in the area. *To Observe whether by developing an ecourban technical project in the classroom, using the methodological approach proposed by UNESCO (2017), the learning objectives (cognitive, socio-emotional and behavioral) as well as the key competences established by UNESCO for SDG 11, sustainable cities and communities, are reinforced, and thus put into value Education for Sustainable Development. Firstly, the eco-urban parameters and objectives in the design and planning of urban spaces were defined and then related to the SDG classified into social, environmental and economic areas, which justified the achievement of the first objective of the thesis. The course was evaluated by means of a comprehensive test with contents from the whole course. Both the control and experimental groups (students who participated in the project) took the same test, with the same evaluation criteria. The result allowed to state that the difference between the average of the grades between both groups was significant. Through these results, the second objective of the research was answered The New Revised Ecological Paradigm scale was used and the level of environmental consciousness of the students was measured after the experience. The result was that almost 80% of the students showed a high level of consciousness while 20% of them showed a very high level, achieving the third objective of the thesis. Finally, the research provided results related to the achievement of the SDG in our country from 2015 to 2019, being able to state that there is no significant improvement in the achievement of the ODS over time. A key competence on developing educational sustainable laws and similar Project-based methodologies are recomended to be used. On the other hand, it is necessary for governments to develop and promote eco-urbanism in their cities, because the best way to educate future generations starts with learning through sustainable cities where they would develop their daily lives.