Estudio sobre la participación de las familias de origen migrante en centros educativos de educación infantil y primaria de atención preferente de la Región de Murcia

  1. Chamseddine Habib Allah, Mohamed
Dirixida por:
  1. Pilar Arnaiz Sánchez Director
  2. Andrés Escarbajal Frutos Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 09 de xullo de 2019

  1. Francisco Javier Hinojo Lucena Presidente/a
  2. Remedios de Haro Rodríguez Secretaria
  3. Juan José Leiva Olivencia Vogal
  1. Didáctica y Organización Escolar

Tipo: Tese


The general purpose of this research is to analyse the participation of migrant families on nursery and primary schools of particular attention in Región de Murcia. I have specially analysed the communication resources used by migrant families and tutors; the content of the conversation held by both parties; the knowledge of the centre's environment held by migrant parents and their participation degree in the school; teachers' behaviour to promote the parents' knowledge and their involvement in school settings; the parents' contribution at the teaching-learning process of their children; the relationship that parents had with teachers and the teachers' knowledge about migrant pupils' life. In this sense, I have chosen a non-experimental quantitative research design of a descriptive, inferential and transversal nature using the survey method which I materialised in two questionnaires, thus allowing me to get information from a considerable number of teachers and migrant families from schools previously identified and selected. In this case, I used the SSPS software (version 24) in order to get the most significant results for the information analysis. These programmes got me access to opinions, expectations and assessments of both schools, whose significant and contextualized interpretations have been relevant and valuable for the subject at hand. Among the most significant results, it seems to be insufficient the use of office hours, the attendance at briefings, the use of the school diary both to transmit information and to make appointments, the telephone, information letters, and even less so, the use of other telematic resources such as e-mail, SMS, etc., as resources to establish communication between teachers and families. However, it is verified the adequacy of the office hours, the importance and the usefulness of the school diary as a means of communication, the interest of punctual interviews and the appreciation of casual contacts to exchange information. With regard to the content of communication, it is clear that dealing with extracurricular activities is not one of the relevant aspects of such content to be highlighted among migrant families and teachers. However acceptable but improvable elements are identified as those that are linked to dealing with discipline issues referring to positive aspects of student learning; dealing with negative elements; possible learning difficulties; delving deeper into issues linked to materials, books, uniforms, school information or other organizational matters; elements related to the personal development of the student in the school and their relationships with peers, families and friends; the collaboration provided by parents at home in their children educational process and, finally, the advice on the ways of participation in the school. In the regards to the knowledge that parents have about centre's life, it seems to be enough, but there is room for improvement at rules' management of organization and functioning. However, quite high values are indicated as to whether families know personally their children's tutor, as well as the rest of the teachers. In relation to the participation degree of migrant families, it is evident that there is little or no participation of parents as members of the school board and the AMPA. In despite of the absence of significant differences when parents come to get information about the school development and/or extracurricular activities, attendance at workshops and/or training activities for parents, as well as participate in assemblies and group meetings; there is also no relevant interest in participation to these activities, both playful and formative. It is clear that there have been very significant improvements related with a best parents' contribution, as recognised by the families themselves, in terms of communicating with their children about their studies; their schoolwork control and supervising; organizing the study time; learning about their children's regular attendance at school and the truancy consequences on student achievement. In the same way, it appears as sufficient but improvable aspects: the interest and children support in realization of cultural family activities, inside and outside the school environment and families' information about the type of cultural or leisure activities that their children usually carry out. According to teachers, as far as the type of personal relationship is concerned between migrant families and teachers, it should be noted that parents visit on their own initiative to teachers is an unresolved issue in spite of the significant progress in terms of whether teachers make it easier to families to feel comfortable and free to show their ideas; the trust given at the time of admitting suggestions for improvement or providing advice; showing accessibility and predisposition for communication which, in my opinion, drives the absence of difficulties or conflicts between the two parties. And finally, once again it is tangible the knowledge that teachers have about pupils' life: they do not know personally pupils' fathers, which confirms that their involvement is still scarce in comparison with mothers. Nevertheless, it appears sufficient but improvable aspects that teachers have to know about: pupils' family members; both parents work; their degree of contribution to the learning of their children; the geographical residential area; pupils' friendship and relevant aspects of their lives. Furthermore, it is appreciated better teachers' knowledge related with students' difficulties in relationships, learning difficulties, psycho-affective problems and certain problematic situations within the family.