Estudio arqueológico de los palacios andalusíes de Murcia (ss. X-XV)tratamiento ornamental e influencia en el entorno

  1. Robles Fernandez, Alfonso
Dirigée par:
  1. Jorge Alejandro Eiroa Rodríguez Directeur

Université de défendre: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 25 janvier 2016

  1. Ángel Luis Molina Molina President
  2. Andrés Martínez Rodríguez Secrétaire
  3. Antonio Malpica Cuello Rapporteur
  1. Prehistoria, Arqueología, Historia Antigua, Historia Medieval y Ciencias y Técnicas Historiograficas

Type: Thèses


ABSTRACT This piece of research deals with the archaeological study of the palaces and Andalusian aristocratic mansions in the area of Cora de Tumir, in the present province of Murcia. We also focused on the urban and rural surroundings of those aulic constructions. The analysis of its architecture ties in with the historical context and we tried to create a coherent dialogue about its evolution from the Emiral period to the Castilian conquest of 1243, as well as indicating the profound transformations undergone in the Christian low-medieval era. Objectives.- In this work primary sources are compiled and reviewed (iconographical, topographic, textual, objects¿) and secondary, substantially written and old sketches. Also we analyzed and reinterpreted the data extracted from some old excavations made without archaeological methodology (Castillejo of Monteagudo) and more recently others done during the decade of the eighties and nineties of the last century. Our results are made available to the scientific community, the unpublished graphical material and a substantial number of the plans drawn up in the more recent archaeological excavations made within the perimeter of the Greater Palace Qa?r al-Kabir) and the Minor Palace (Qa?r a?-?a??r) sited in the Madinat Mursiya. Among the buildings studied several important residences are included, and a Mudéjar oratory identified in the excavation of the Jardín of San Esteban (Murcia) of 2009, whose greater interest is in the possibility of knowing the urban framework in which they are found. Methodology. We have compiled information of diverse nature coming from archives and publications. Plans and surveys of some palaces have also been made with the purpose of restoring their volumes and quality graphics. We have made anastomosis of the palaces and mansions' plants. With respect to the ornamental treatment of the decorative plinths which come from the fortified Castillejo Palace, these have been restored by symmetrical, geometric development, as well as some plinths documented in the main palace of the Smaller Palace. The analysis of their decoration enables the making of specific chronologies of the buildings that they decorated. Conclusions.- The analysis of all the compiled documentation enables the deduction of the aristocratic presence of palaces and mansions in the Califal and Taifa era, whose layout and decoration have no reason to envy the ones of Cordoba capital. The importance of the Almorávide dynasty is captures in the city of Murcia by the presence of two aulic spaces (The Great Palace and Minor Palace) whose ornamentation has its point of reference in monuments of Marrakech, the imperial capital. We refuted some chronological proposals of the traditional historiography with respect to the chronology of the main palace of the Smaller Palace, that it was not constructed by Mu?ammad b. Sa?d b. Mardanis. In that period we can see a meeting room covered with a dome with muqarnas in the Smaller Palace and a royal mausoleum situated within an old oratory in the Greater Palace. We also suggest the idea of chronological evolution of the existing palaces in the well-known state property of Real of Monteagudo. We believe that a taifa Palace and Almorávide could have existed at the foot of the Castillejo of Monteagudo. The actual Castillejo is a 12th century construction protected by two external enclosures and with a characteristic courtyard. This palace and its surroundings were destroyed by the Almohads in two expeditions against the Murcian Taifa. Another palace, Larache, would take its place from the last quarter of the 12th century to the first half of the 13th. Finally another palace of smaller dimensions known as Cabezo de Abajo was constructed, whose layout is similar to the last phase of the main palace of the Smaller Palace.