La mediación escolar en los conflictos de adolescentes ecuatorianos en los colegios de la ciudad de Machala
- Alberto José Olalde Altarejos Zuzendaria
Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Murcia
Fecha de defensa: 2020(e)ko azaroa-(a)k 04
- Pedro Sánchez Vera Presidentea
- Luis Miguel Rondón García Idazkaria
- Pilar Munuera Gómez Kidea
Mota: Tesia
The thesis proposal is to propose as an alternative for the solution of school conflicts, a school mediation strategy and restorative practices based on the knowledge of school conflict perception and the confrontation procedures, within the high-school context of Machala city. The general objectives will therefore be: o Know the school conflicts of the children (or adolescents) of Machala City schools. o Design and validate an alternative for conflicts resolutions through mediation METHODOLOGY A descriptive research was carried out under the quantitative-qualitative paradigm that went through the theoretical preparation and direct observation to the object of study in the schools of Machala, foundations for the diagnosis, through the determination of exogenous and endogenous conflicts; the perception of the participants about the introduction of mediation in the resolution of conflicts by applying semi-structured interviews to school administrators and questionnaires to students, parents and teachers. In a second moment, the design was improved and the proposal was validated before being put into school practice through socialization workshops, recorded in the minutes. Finally, surveys were applied to the students, fathers and mothers who make up the mediation teams with the aim of knowing their perception of the effectiveness of the strategy for resolving school conflicts and restorative practices, in schools of Macha city. RESULTS / CONCLUSIONS 1) Regarding the General Objective "To know the school conflicts of the adolescents of the schools of Machala city", it is characterized by absenteeism and disruptive behaviors as inappropriate behaviors in classes, disrespect to the teacher's role, corporal violence ( 78.7%) and insults among peers (87.7%), non-compliance with the rules established for school coexistence (79%) and mistreatment of school infrastructure and facilities (67.1%); as well as the lack of communication between teachers, parents and students (56.7%). These conflicts are often resolved with the application of remuneration procedures: The application of punishment to all those who have been involved (79.0%) and the expulsion from the center of who is guilty (27%). adolescents with school conflicts in schools in the city of Machala are as follows: the absence of at least one of the parents (58.4%); low economic resources (87%); low school level of fathers (50.3%) and mothers (62.5%); dysfunctional processes in families (10.9%) and family, verbal (70.3%) and physical violence (22.4%) The school endogenous problems that are present in school conflicts in high-schools in the city of Machala are: favoritism, authoritarianism, inadequate school methodologies and procedures used by teachers and administrators, and disorganization in school life. 2) Regarding the general objective: "Designing and validating an alternative solution to these conflicts, through mediation", it is concluded that the strategy of school mediation and restorative practices is effective in solving school conflicts of adolescents in the selected schools of Machala city. The design of the strategy of school mediation and restorative practices has as an added value, the opportunity to visualize the needs, criteria and opinions of the educational community members of the selected high-schools; In the spaces created, they had the opportunity to share their experiences, as well as to be taken into account.