Colonias, minas, fábricas, patrimoniosprocesos de modernización y políticas de la representación en el norte de la provincia de Jaén (1767-2017)

  1. Cobo De Guzman Godino, Francisco
Dirigée par:
  1. Klaus Schriewer Directeur
  2. José Palacios Ramírez Directeur/trice

Université de défendre: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 06 novembre 2020

  1. José Antonio González Alcantud President
  2. Salvador Cayuela Sánchez Secrétaire
  3. Macarena Hernández Ramírez Rapporteur
  1. Ciencia Política, Antropología Social y Hacienda Pública

Type: Thèses


1. Aims The aim of this research is to delimit and analyse different processes of modernization that have been implemented in a particular territorial context, eastern Sierra Morena area located north of the province of Jaén, as well as the populations, agencies, groups and individuals who have conceived it, perceived it and inhabited it over a period of 250 years: the process of repopulation and colonization of the territory (1767-1835), the process of liberalization, industrialization and implantation of a mining enclave system (1850-1920), the process of nacionalization and "desarrollista" modernization factory-based (1939-1980), and the process of tourism planning and patrimonalization of culture within a local development strategy (2000-2017). Starting from Foucault's idea of governmentality, we draw up different levels of integration to examine the impact of technologies/strategies schemes through the notion of local programs or "laboratories" of government, understood as governmental artefacts resulting from the deployment and activation of experiences of modernization in this territory, and we go in depth in the "focus of experience" of labour force in the mining district Linares-La Carolina during Franco and post-Franco times. Finally, through an approach to the symbolic and communicational domains which are deduced from these local programs, we interpret the schemes of thought and action (strategies/tactics) and the politics of representation that, in response to the technologies of govern that have been deployed, have guided the types of adaptation or resistance put into play by individuals, groups and local societies. 2. Methods At a methodological level, this research adopts principally an ethnographic approach based on triangulation strategies that combine different methods and techniques of qualitative researching. To approach the research object we use ethnographic techniques (participant observation, field diary, open interviews, etcetera), narrative-biographical techniques (biographical interviews, life stories) and historiographical techniques (documental analysis). 3. Results and conclusions In general terms, the definition of different levels of integration and the construction and reformulation of an interrelated system of concepts (representative dispositifs, local programs or "laboratories" of govern, tactic ethos, tactic essentialism, agents of patrimonialization) have contributed to systematize the reality under study, both procedurally and systemically. The longue durée historical analysis has allowed us to deduce two significant aspects that define both the emergency and the validity of these local programs: a) at the territorial and local level, its productive effects transcend the time coordinates in which their logics are conceived, becoming strange redoubts that respond to specific orientations and conditions; b) the activation of these programs is subject to the productive effects generated by previous experiences. So, the impact of these programs has conditioned the evolution of a territory that is especially dependent on and sensitive to certain external logics and agencies, as well as the persistence of a set of "fixed forms" inscribed in the landscape and the collective ethos. Regarding the modalities of adaptation and resistance put into play by individuals, groups and societies at the local level, a rage of strategies, tactics and adaptive itineraries have been specified that express a kind of tactical ethos, defined by hybridity, mobility, roaming and pluriactivity. Finally, considering the politics of representation as manifestations of control, adaptation and resistance at the governmental level, a set of modalities of action have been identified and conceptualized under the category of tactical essentialism, an "art of opportunity" by means of which the subalterns appropriate and re-inscribe, in symbolic and representative terms, their social space, their body and their subjectivity