Hacia un museo socialestudio de una metodología participativa para vincular el Museo de Bellas Artes de Murcia a su territorio

Supervised by:
  1. Virginia Villaplana Ruiz Director
  2. Cristina Guirao Mirón Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 08 July 2019

  1. Selina Blasco Chair
  2. María Teresa Marín Torres Secretary
  3. Alice Lucas Semedo Committee member
  1. Communication

Type: Thesis

Sustainable development goals


The presented document shows the main results obtained in the research developed within the Doctoral Program in Education of the University of Murcia, whose objective has been to propose a participatory methodology through which to bring the Fine Arts Museum of Murcia to its closest environment. This study is framed within the new cultural practices that promote citizen participation and social reactivation, among which is the so-called Sociomuseology. In the methodology followed in the study, which aims to obtain the participants assessment around the link of the museum in the territory sociocultural tissue, different data collection instruments have been used, such as the questionnaire (of a quantitative type), the semi-structured interview and the discussion group (qualitative). For the data triangulation, the SWOT analysis has been used, detecting the weaknesses and threats of the institution as well as the existing strengths and opportunities to turn the museum into a space for the sociocultural development of the environment. For this purpose, we have had the collaboration of the museum's technicians, as well as the responsible coordinators and users of 19 socio-cultural centers or associations that develop their activities in the museum's adjacent neighborhoods (La Paz, Vistabella, La Fama, San Juan , Santa Eulalia and San Lorenzo). After analyzing the data collected, it concludes with several considerations to take into account, among which stand out the perception with respect to the museum as a traditional space, less accessible and barely permeable to the concerns of the next social context. On the other hand, there is also a communication system with significant deficiencies between the museum and the rest of the socio-cultural environment agents, thus limiting the proliferation of collaborative projects that generate cohesion and social development. Through this study, and specially through the participatory methodology used, it has been detected that in the museums there is still a predominance of conservative management that prevents a large part of society from feeling identified with its actions. This supposes, in turn, that the museum institution does not occupy a prominent place in the sociocultural development of the context in which it is located. An approach between the museum institution and the sociocultural spaces network in its environment may favor not only that museums are conceived definitively as accessible spaces, but that the rest of the cultural framework may use heritage resources as a fundamental means to reinforce their actions in pro to favor citizen evolution from the diffusion of culture and non-formal education.