Análisis de la condición física y su relación con predictores de salud en escolares de la Región de Murcia

  1. Carrillo Lopez, Pedro Jose
Supervised by:
  1. Eliseo García Cantó Director
  2. Andrés Rosa Guillamón Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 23 September 2019

  1. Pedro Juan Tárraga López Chair
  2. Alberto Gómez Mármol Secretary
  3. José Enrique Moral García Committee member
  1. Artistic, Musical and Body Expression

Type: Thesis


Introduction: Following an unhealthy lifestyle such as the performance of sedentary activities or the maintenance of unbalanced nutritional quality have caused a substantial increase in certain chronic diseases related to weight overload, physical inactivity and mental health problems before adulthood. . This problem affects all ages, being at the earliest ages when the habits of optimal physical exercise and adherence to a healthy eating pattern must be acquired in order to combat said diseases. Objective: analyze the level of physical condition in schoolchildren belonging to the Region of Murcia, in addition to the relationship that physical condition and, especially aerobic capacity and body composition, has with health predictors. A total of 515 schoolchildren aged 6-12 years and 634 schoolchildren aged 13-17 participated in this cross-sectional ex post facto study where physical condition (CF) (Battery ALPHA-Fitness), weight status (normo- weight, overweight and obesity), the level of physical activity (AF) (Short test of Krece Plus, IPAQ-C and IPAQ-A), selective attention (Test of Perception of Similarities and Differences, Faces-R), perception of health (questionnaire Health Behavior in School-aged Children) the academic performance (academic record), the multidimensional self-concept (Scale of Self-concept of Piers-Harris) and the test of adherence to the Mediterranean diet (Test KIDMED). Results The statistical analyzes showed that: A) The males had a better CF level. There is a slight increase in CF as age advances for both sexes. Those with normal weight or physically active had a better aerobic capacity and a healthier body composition. B) Schoolchildren with weight status in normal weight and greater AF presented a better intellectual, physical and global self-concept. C) schoolchildren with a good / very good perception of health had greater aerobic capacity and lower values in body mass index, waist circumference and hip perimeter; the students with higher AF showed better values of speed-agility and aerobic capacity; and the students with good / very good health perception and higher AF obtained lower values in body mass index and hip perimeter, and higher in aerobic capacity. D) Schoolchildren with greater aerobic capacity have better records in ability to correct, omissions and inhibitory control. E) schoolchildren with greater aerobic capacity obtain better scores in the subjects of language, mathematics, natural, social, English, artistic, core subjects, specific and total academic performance F) Those students physically active and with higher CF had a better intellectual self-concept , social and global. G) Although there are no significant differences between the state of weight and the degree of adherence to DM, there is a higher proportion of schoolchildren in normal weight and greater adherence to medium and high DM. Conclusions: given the positive relationship observed between FC and the different variables related to health, there is a need to encourage the commitment and participation of schoolchildren in physical and sports activities, as well as adherence to a balanced diet that contributes to improving FC.