La Narrativa transmedia como herramienta de promociónexperiencia de comunicación en parafarmacia

  1. Moya Ortiz, Julia
Supervised by:
  1. Pedro Antonio Hellín Ortuño Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 16 July 2020

  1. César San Nicolás Romera Chair
  2. Ana Belén Fernández Souto Secretary
  3. Ana María Almansa Martínez Committee member
  1. Communication

Type: Thesis


The Transmedia Narrative as a promotional tool Communication experience in Parapharmacy. The technological revolution implies the emergence of a new techno-economic paradigm capable of inducing structural changes in production, distribution, communication and consumption. At this point, the digital revolution finds its maximum expression in the Internet, where the digital platforms of companies fulfil the old function of shop windows and shops. It has become a real meeting point where creators, shareholders, customers and interest groups meet, start and continue a real conversation. In this environment the new information and communication technologies allow and demand that the organizational and advertising decisions make bottom-up rather than top-down, generating a space of narrative co-creation, capable of generating a closer and more lasting link and commitment between the organization and the public. In conversational strategies, narrative expansions based on transmedia communication play a prominent role, since in it the content co-generated by the user and the organization and/or the brand allow the formation and consolidation of a cohesive and participatory community, being the best way to build customer loyalty and "viralize" the brand. Thus, we understand that the market must be conceived, beyond specific transactions, as a permanent conversation of the brand with the prosumers, where companies strive to approach their potential customers individually, personally and quickly, achieving a digital face to face. The brand is constituted as an intangible asset that is built in the minds of its users, defined by the expectations they have about its "usefulness" or value, and that evolves positively or negatively over time depending on the expansive or depressive conversational dynamics that are generated. And, obviously, transmedia storytelling offers numerous points of contact between audiences and brands, creating a single narrative universe that flows through a variety of media, platforms and devices; where prosumers must be considered as true stakeholders. It is a question of brands and/or companies joining forces in emotional, social and cognitive investments; knowing the motivations and opinions not only counts, but today they are decisive for the success of organizations. They must be integrated into the culture of the company and the business. The para(pharmaceutical) sector is no stranger to the disruptions and opportunities provided by new communication technologies. For this reason, one of the main objectives of this doctoral thesis is precisely to study transmedia advertising narrative as a communication tool and business model in the (para)pharmaceutical sector. Taking into account the growth potential of the sector in ecommerce, especially in parapharmaceutical products, our knowledge transfer has become relevant, as we have tried to apply the potential of transmedia storytelling in the (para)pharmaceutical sector in the company. We assume that transmedia communication has allowed us to form and consolidate a cohesive and participative communication community that has increased brand reputation and, consequently, has contributed to improving the business. Therefore, it is clear that transmedia communication, insofar as it becomes the strategic form of communication of an organization - including that of companies (para)pharmaceuticals - contributes positively to the business.