Sistema inteligente para la monitorización y seguimiento de la diabetes basado en un modelo de reglas

  1. Medina Moreira, Jose Jacinto
Dirigida per:
  1. Rafael Valencia García Director

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 27 de de maig de 2020

  1. Juan Miguel Gómez-Berbís President/a
  2. Francisco García Sánchez Secretari/ària
  3. Dagoberto Castellanos Nieves Vocal
  1. Informática y Sistemas

Tipus: Tesi


Intelligent system for diabetes monitoring based on a rules model Objectives of the thesis To develop an intelligent and collaborative global platform using information provided by the patient and other information that comes from different sources for the improvement of prevention, monitoring, diagnosis and treatment processes in health self-management in diseases such as diabetes. To achieve the main objective of this hesis the following specific tasks were defined: " To obtain a rule-based model for the representation of knowledge in the diabetes domain. " To obtain a system for monitoring different vital, physical and mental parameters. " To obtain a knowledge-based system for the personal recommendation to patients. " To obtain a system for monitoring treatments and health recommendations. " To obtain a comprehensive mobile platform for prevention, monitoring and treatment of diabetes based on health self-management. Methodology The methodology used in this work basically consists of 3 phases: the first phase consists of the study of the state of the art, the second phase includes the design of the intelligent application for the monitoring of diabetes based on a rules model, and the third phase consists in the validation of the proposal. " Study of the state of the art: Analysis of the concepts and terminology of the information technologies in the field of health. Study of existing architectures of intelligent systems for diabetes self-management. Additionally, an analysis of the main mobile applications for health self-management is presented. " Intelligent application design for the monitoring of diabetes based on a rules model: A web and mobile application using inference rules was designed, based on the experts' knowledge. They supported to determine the specifications, rules and recommendations that include the treatment and control of diabetes. " Validation of the proposal: With the intervention of patients and experts in the field of diabetes, constant self-management system tests were carried out, based on the main health indicators such as blood glucose levels, blood pressure, overweight, between others. The evolution of the patient was evaluated before and after the use of the self-management application and finally the adaptability of patients and doctors in the use of the tool was evaluated. Conclusions The present doctoral thesis presents a proposal for a decision support system based on rules in the health domain, specifically in the control, and monitoring of diabetes mellitus. However, indirectly it involves other related conditions such as blood pressure and obesity. The system presents as main features the portability for a number of hardware devices, the ease of use for patients, the reliability in the results presented and recommended in the use of diabetes treatment. The development of the rule-based system was based on the experts' knowledge in the area of diabetes. Therefore, the platform presented offers effective solutions for the control, diagnosis and prevention in the health domain of patients with diabetes mellitus. The main contributions of this thesis are mentioned below: " A rule-based model was obtained for the representation of the knowledge of the diabetes domain. " A system for the monitoring of different vital, physical and mental parameters was obtained. " A system for specific patient recommendation based on knowledge technologies was achieved. " A system for monitoring health treatments and recommendations was obtained. " A mobile integrated platform for the prevention, monitoring and treatment of diseases based on health self-management was developed.