Análisis crítico de las políticas de igualdadun enfoque territorial

  1. Sanchez Ruiz, Inmaculada Concepcion
Dirigida per:
  1. Manuela Avilés Hernández Directora
  2. Juan José García Escribano Director

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 20 de de desembre de 2019

  1. Capitolina Díaz Martínez President/a
  2. Pilar Ortiz García Secretària
  3. María Asunción Martínez Román Vocal
  1. Trabajo Social y Servicios Sociales

Tipus: Tesi


The present investigation shows an analysis of equality public policies from a territory-based approach in the Region of Murcia. The Organic Law 3/2007 for Effective Equality between Women and Men was passed in 2007. That same year, the Law 7/2007 on Equality between Women and Men and Protection against Gender Violence was passed nationwide. Both laws state that public administrations must develop and implement equality plans. The Law 7/2007 is accurate and in its article 15 is said that the main objective is the implementation of Equality Plans in each local government authority in Murcia. In the same way, the law establishes that there is a one-year period to elaborate and pass those plans, stressing the necessity to monitor and evaluate them. This Doctoral Thesis has persuaded two basic objectives. On the one hand, it analyses the content of Equality Plans between women and men which were implemented by local government authority in the Region of Murcia until 2017. On the other hand, it studies the fundamental pieces that condition the Equality Plans implementation and development. In addition, it establishes what elements and actions may favour their implementation. Taking into account the subject of study, a qualitative methodology has been used. In this research, 40 towns from the Region of Murcia have taken part in and it was possible working with 28 Equality Plans which were implemented locally from 1992 to 2017. Furthermore, 30 people expertise in this equality area nationally have collaborated to define clearly the areas and content of an equality plan type-model. During the development of these nominal group techniques, 26 experts have collaborated. They belong to different areas: public administration, policy, teaching, third sector and trade unions. Finally, 12 interviews were made to politicians, professionals in equality area and citizens from different towns in Murcia. The results showed that there isn't a proper development associated with Equality Plans between women and men locally in the Region of Murcia. It is important the weak institutional progress. In addition, a lack of specific measures to prevent gender inequality in all areas of social life can be appreciated. Taking into account the elements that determine the implementation and the advance in Equality Plans, three main general points have been identified: political, socio-cultural and economic. The findings revealed that in spite of an equality legislative structure applied in the Region of Murcia, some elements to develop an effective and coherent equality policy are still needed. The equality legislation is inadequate to achieve the real equality between women and men because it indicates the necessary measures, but it doesn't ensure its implementation. Although equality policies have been enhanced and institutionalized in the Region of Murcia since 2007, the commitment has been diluted over the years and a great part of the regional government and local administration's actions have permanently stopped. This Doctoral Thesis is a starting point to a new approach related with Equality Plans in the Region of Murcia to achieve and promote a real equality and to eliminate social inequalities due to gender.