Le poème en prose au XIXe siècle en Francetendances coexistantes après l'éclatement d'un nouveau genre

  1. Baños Gallego, Pedro
Supervised by:
  1. Pedro Salvador Méndez Robles Director
  2. Concepción Palacios Bernal Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 21 January 2020

  1. Encarnación Medina Arjona Chair
  2. Elena Meseguer Paños Secretary
  3. Aurelia Cervoni Committee member
  1. French, Romanesque, Italian and Arabic Philology

Type: Thesis

Sustainable development goals


This thesis project has a double objective. On the one hand, a theoretical study on the prose poem will be elaborated: the multiplicity of forms under which this genre is shown requires a reflection on its basic characteristics, conditions and limits. The bulk of the study will be a detailed analysis regarding four authors who wrote prose poems between 1870 and 1900, all of them forgotten to a greater or lesser extent: Charles Cros, Francis Poictevin, Hugues Rebell and Marie Krysinska. These poets have also been selected to represent together the main literary tendencies of the moment, both in thematic and formal aspects. A stylistic study of each of them will be carried out as well as a foray into their biographies, with the intention of documenting the relationships between lives and works and the reason for their disappearance from the French literary world. Through the detailed study of these four authors we intend to build a "skeleton" of the prose poem after its genesis and popularization by Baudelaire. This skeleton aims to cover all the realizations of the genre according to the most important aesthetic trends of the last quarter of the 19th century. Starting from the theoretical framework that we will establish in the first part of the work (the limits of the gender established by author Suzanne Bernard in 1959), we will analyze the prose poems of these writers with a double objective: on the one hand, we will try to standardize what has always been an elusive form or genre of doubtful qualification as is the prose poem. On the other hand, we will try to get four authors of a proven poetic quality of an ostracism that they do not deserve, writers who have little representation in France and null in Spain. The planned methodology has three phases: 1.- Collect as many articles or critical volumes as possible about the prose poem as well as literary theory applicable to it. 2.- The reading of works by both the four authors mentioned and others, more or less famous, that are framed in the literary tradition of prose poem from the 19th century to the present day. 3.- Apply, deductively, the theoretical contents acquired during the general reading phase to the works of said authors. As part of the conclusions, it should be noted that the prose poem is defined as a polymorphic genre that has revolutionized itself decade after decade, author after author. This is due, as we defend in the body of the thesis, to a desire for subversion of the authors, who seek an individual voice within the literary sphere that surrounds them. It is thus explained, accordingly, the multiformity of the genre not only in the nineteenth century but also in the twentieth and even the twenty-first.