Análisis del consentimiento informadouna perspectiva desde enfermería de urgencias en la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia

  1. María José Torralba Madrid Zuzendaria
  2. Diego José García Capilla Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 2018(e)ko otsaila-(a)k 19

  1. José Ángel Rodríguez Gómez Presidentea
  2. María Pilar Almansa Martínez Idazkaria
  3. Miguel Company Morales Kidea
  1. Filosofía

Mota: Tesia


Introduction The process of informing is important in the relationship that is established between nurse practitioner. The peculiarity arises when health care is given in an emergency hospital, in the context of which various procedures that are invasive about the person as physical and psychic being. The objectives of this study have been to assess the knowledge about informed consent by the staff of Emergency Nursing, as well as promoting a practice and providing adequate information on this informative event in accordance with the legislation and Deontological of the Spanish Nursing. Finally, it has been hoped to promote the research of nurses in field of the Sciences of the Health. Method of study The design of the study has been based on current legislation, studies and previous publications and prevailing bioethical criteria. With this we have been able to use an analytical, observational, descriptive and transversal work with which the knowledge of the Informed Consent in Emergency Nursing of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia. A preliminary pilot study was carried out on the professionals of the Health Area VIII of the Region of Murcia and a posteriori was extended to five more areas (I, II, V, VI andVII), the resulting sample having a 95% confidence level. The construct used evaluates knowledge about Informed Consent: Concepts, objective, legal and ethical basis, model and application. The bibliographic evaluation was done based on the search string using the words "Nurses", "Informed Consent", "Emergency" Results The distribution of the participating individuals has been made on public hospitals of six health areas of the nine that compose the total of the Region of Murcia, being the representative sample of the study population. The number of participants has been a sample of 205 out of a total population of 340. The age range between 36 and 38 years corresponds to the fashion of the sample, grouping 15.12% of individuals working in the Emergency Department. Most of the professionals working in the emergency department are between 10 and 20 years, and the fashion of the sample, bringing together 22.4% of the individuals, is in the range of 12 to 15 years. As for the distribution by sex of the individuals that work in the service, can say women represent 70.2% while men 29.8%. Most professionals consulted if they have knowledge about the concepts of Informed Consent, correctly define it in 81% of the cases, as well as doing it correctly when asked purpose of the same with a 55% success. Not so when questions are asked about the objectives to be achieved and its applicability, about 82%they erroneously do. In the same situation we find the items that refer to the foundations legal and ethical being known in a partial way with distributions that approach the average. Conclusion While we may find sufficient knowledge in some of the population as a whole finds that it is necessary to improve the information has in this fundamental process in the nurse-patient relationship, because of this it depends on the quality of the assistance given and compliance with the current legality and it must be kept in mind in professional practice.