El currículo de música en Educación Primaria en España desde 1990 hasta nuestros díastransformación de Marco Legislativo Nacional al Autonómico

  1. Lopez Melgarejo, Alba Maria
Supervised by:
  1. Gregorio Vicente Nicolás Director
  2. Eva María González Barea Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 13 July 2017

  1. María del Valle de Moya Martínez Chair
  2. María Jesús Rodríguez Entrena Secretary
  3. Ángela Morales Fernández Committee member
  1. Artistic, Musical and Body Expression

Type: Thesis


Since 1990 until nowadays, four educational macro reforms have been published in Spain which have restructured the Primary Education, although only three have been effectives. With them, different official curricula have appeared that had changed the educational legal contents in every period. At the same time, Autonomous Communities, using their legal authority, have adapted the national proposals to their needs creating several curricula for each autonomous landscape. The general aims of this doctoral thesis are: (1) To establish differences and similarities between the Musical Educational autonomous curricula for the Primary Education regarding their National frame since 1990 to the present; (2) To count the number of general aims of the period, Artistic Education goals, educational musical teaching, evaluation standards and standards of teaching evaluation (to the legislative period of the LOMCE) that each Autonomous Community have fully incorporated to their own curriculum without changes in relation with the national one and, in the same way, have increased, reduced, changed, removed or included as new; (3) to analyze and define the training structure for the Musical Education done in each Autonomous curriculum; and (4) determine the existence of tendencies within the differences or the similarities inside the Autonomous curricula regarding their nationals. To achieve our aims, we have carry out a comparative studio between the different autonomous curricula of Music Education of the period and the national ones, using a mixed design made by a documental analysis and the quantification and categorization of the results obtained. We have contrasted the general principles, purposes of this period, general aims, introduction and goals to the Education Artistic area. About Musical Education we have contrasted the contents, evaluation standards and training evaluation standards (Royal Decree 126/2014), attachments and other elements created by the autonomous governments that are relevant to the research. The similarities and differences found allow us to assign a degree of dissimilarity to each curriculum regarding the national one (slow, medium, high or very high). Thus, the curricula published within the Real Decree 1006/1991 show that Andalusia and Canary Islands have a low dissimilarly degree, Basque Country medium, Galicia and Valencian Community high and finally, Catalonia very high. For the Real Decree 1513/2006, we found that the documents of Andalusia, Navarre, Asturias, Aragon, Extremadura and the curriculums that regulates the educational legal contents in the territories of MEC have a low different degree respect their national, meanwhile Galicia, Cantabria, Balearic Islands and Castile and León show a medium level. Moreover, Basque Country, Valencian Community, Canary Island, La Rioja, Murcia, Castile-La Mancha and Community of Madrid present a high dissimilitude degree and only Catalonia responds to the very high category. The curricula published within the Real Decree 126/2014 show the biggest likeness. Of the eighteen curriculums compared, fourteen documents show a slow dissimilitude degree, while Canary Islands and Andalusia achieve a medium degree and Basque Country and Catalonia very high. The results reveal that there are different tendencies regarding the changes of the regulations in the three periods studied. The level of difference assigned shows that the majority of the autonomous communities maintain a high degree of similarity when exist a relation of analogy between the political party prevailing in the National Government and the respective in the autonomous community.