Buenas prácticas en los desarrollos teórico-prácticos de la competencia comunicativa intercultural

  1. Fernandez, Magali Virginie Sabine
Supervised by:
  1. María Gloria Ríos Guardiola Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 28 October 2019

  1. Montserrat Planelles Iváñez Chair
  2. Elena Macías Otón Secretary
  3. Mercedes Banegas Saorín Committee member
  1. French, Romanesque, Italian and Arabic Philology

Type: Thesis

Sustainable development goals


This dissertation analyses the treatment of the Intercultural Communicative Competence in the classroom of French as a Foreign Language (FFL) in state secondary schools in Murcia. For this purpose, we analyse the training of teachers and students in Compulsory Secondary Education concerning this competence, the resources they have and those they need to develop it. Through a survey with the Delphi method and a questionnaire, we try to specify to what extent these protagonists know this competence and the way to deal with it, to finally propose a code of good practises for the treatment of Intercultural Communicative Competence. For this task, first of all, we strive to characterize the components of the ICC in the foreign languages learning. Secondly, we specify the means to work it in the FFL classroom, and, lastly, we devise evaluation methods for each of its components. For the intervention, a research project was conceived taking into account the protagonists of the teaching/learning of FFL, two different samples: twenty teachers and their students (339) of state secondary schools in the CARM. For the FFL teachers' group, we use the Delphi method and for their students, the questionnaire. The results of our preceding analysis for the characterization of the ICC show that some authors of the field of education use the term intercultural communicative competence to refer to ICC while others talk about intercultural competence, even though these forms present small notional differences between them and, possibly due to these reasons, some authors pretend to erect the intercultural competency as a macro-competency. In our analysis of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL) we found authors who question the true reasons of the European Council for linguistic policies and propose that we should at least know and discuss its implications. These authors hold that with the CEFRL the objective aimed at by the linguistic politics is not the learning of languages, but the peaceful coexistence of their fellow citizens in European territory. Furthermore, certain studies carried out confirm that the teachers consult the CEFRL almost exclusively to check the descriptors of the competences and that, if it is only used for this, it would be necessary to find other alternative instrument(s) to regulate the processes of language teaching/learning. With this research we confirm our hypothesis according to which we believe that our experts in FFL in the CARM did not receive a proactive training regarding the ICC (group unanimous answer) before the implementation of the new Foreign Language Teaching System promoted by the policies of regional institutions. Regarding the resources in the secondary schools in which they work, we think that these are not enough for the practical development of the ICC (most teachers' response by consensus). We also confirm that the exchanges of native students with foreign students and trips to French-speaking countries encourage the development and the acquisition of the ICC, provided that activities are carried out before, during and after them. As for the hypothesis referred to the students, we wanted to know if they knew this competence and the differences between multicultural, pluricultural and intercultural concepts. From their answers, we understand that they only make distinctions between the meanings of the prefixes. Conversely, we knew their degree of perception of the interaction and mediation in FFL with respect to their mother(s) tongue(s) and the First Foreign Language (English). Finally, we propose methods to work in the FFL classroom and descriptors for the evaluation and self-evaluation of the components of the ICC.