La creación de cortometrajes y su difusión en redes sociales para la promoción de la donación y el trasplante de órganosimpacto positivo de una propuesta educativa innovadora "Donarfest"

  1. Almela Baeza, Javier
Dirigée par:
  1. Pablo Ramírez Romero Directeur
  2. Beatriz Febrero Sánchez Directrice

Université de défendre: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 13 juin 2019

  1. Francisco García García President
  2. Eduardo Miñambres García Secrétaire
  3. Beatriz Domínguez-Gil González Rapporteur
  1. Cirugía, Pediatría, Obstetricia y Ginecología

Type: Thèses


Introduction. Making society aware of organ donation and transplantation (ODT) is fundamental for fostering a willingness to donate organs. However, it has been seen that as a group teenagers are not very aware of this issue, which is something that could lead to a decrease in donation rates in the future. Until now only one-off talks have been held about ODT in secondary schools in our region. It seems that these actions are not enough, and taking into account the learning advantages provided by the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT), an innovative educational proposal has been considered which is aimed at this group through the creation of short films about ODT which are subsequently broadcast on social networks. Objectives: 1) To analyze changes in attitude toward organ donation of the teenagers who participated in our education proposal. 2) To analyze the change in knowledge and social and family interaction about ODT. 3) To assess the impact of the methodology of the proposal and the student&apos;s assessment of the educational proposal. Methodology. Students in the 4th year of Secondary Education were randomly selected from 10 secondary schools (n=1142) to form an experimental group, and others were selected from 5 secondary schools for the control group (n=654). All schools were in Murcia. In the experimental group an attitude questionnaire about ODT was applied. At a later stage an educational intervention was carried out in class in which the teenagers were given access to "" with the necessary contents for making a short audiovisual film about ODT. When the short film was handed in, the students completed a second questionnaire. The short films were published and went viral on the YouTube channel. The teenagers completed a questionnaire similar to the one undertaken by the experimental group, with the questionnaires being completed at the same points in time. Statistical analysis: SPSS Statistics Base (v 21). Descriptive analysis, Student&apos;s t-test, the Chi-squared and McNemar&apos;s test. Results. All the students in the classes selected by the schools in the experimental group completed the initial questionnaire (n=543). A total of 391 students completed the proposal and completed the final questionnaire. There was an improvement in all the attitude variables analyzed in the second questionnaire: variables of attitude (p<0.001), variables of knowledge about ODT (p<0.001) and of social and family interaction (p<0.001). Three hundred and twenty students in the control group completed the initial questionnaire and 224 completed the final questionnaire. No significant differences were found between the first and second questionnaire in terms of variables of attitude toward and knowledge about ODT (p>0.05). Differences were however found in the variables of social and family interaction (p<0.001). On analyzing changes in response between the first and second questionnaire in the experimental and control group, significant differences were found in all the variables with more favorable changes were found in the experimental group (p<0.05). The Donarfest YouTube channel received a total of 3483 viewings of the didactic contents created by the organization, and a total of 104912 viewings of the 63 short films submitted. The educational proposal was considered as very interesting or interesting by 96.2% (n=377) of the students. Conclusions 1. The educational proposal has a positive impact on attitude toward organ donation among teenagers 2. This proposal also has a positive impact on both knowledge and social and family interaction about ODT 3. This proposal has generated a high number of viewings received both of the contents of the proposal and of the short films being broadcast on social networks 4. The level of satisfaction of the teenagers who participated in the proposal was high