Turismo rural y de naturaleza en la Región de Murciadiagnóstico e incidencia en áreas protegidas

  1. Picazo Cordoba, Herminio
Supervised by:
  1. Gustavo A. Ballesteros Pelegrín Director
  2. Francisco Belmonte Serrato Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 20 September 2019

  1. José Fernando Vera Rebollo Chair
  2. Cayetano Espejo Marín Secretary
  3. Maryland Morant González Committee member
  1. Geography

Type: Thesis


The main objectives of this thesis are to contribute to the diagnosis of rural and nature tourism in the Region of Murcia and the study of the impact caused on natural areas by the number of visitors related to tourist activities. It is methodologically based on a collection of documents and studies on the topic being researched, a survey is carried out targeting interest groups regarding the impact of tourist visits on protected areas, a GIS study of the relationship between rural accommodation and the Natura 2000 areas in the Northwest region, and a study is conducted regarding the tourism carrying capacity in the Natura 2000 areas of the river Chícamo and El Salto del Usero. Among the most relevant results and conclusions is the analysis made of the evolution and the current rural and nature tourism supply and demand situation in the Region of Murcia, a sector of growing importance that is, nevertheless, in need of a Promotion Plan which could have its framework within the new Regional Tourism Strategic Plan that will have to be made once current 2015-2019 Plan expires. We also show the relationship between certain components of rural and nature tourism and natural environmental factors. This relationship has a twofold nature: on the one hand, as regards the importance of the natural environment in the appeal and definition of the tourist product. On the other hand, with regard to the participation of protected areas and activities in nature as an asset for companies when setting up their offer. From the geographical point of view, the GIS study carried out shows the close relationship between rural tourism accommodation and the Natura 2000 spaces in the Northwest region. Among the very varied aspects which have been discussed after performing the survey, we can highlight the priority value given by all respondent groups to the appeal of the natural environment as a fundamental resource for rural and nature tourism. Furthermore, surveys show a high degree of concern for the impact of tourist visits on environmentally sensitive areas. The survey has included questions on key management aspects, such as the need for regulation and control in Protected Natural Spaces, including options of quotas or maximum numbers of visitors and public price payment for tourist entry to protected areas. In several aspects of the survey various biases of opinion among the surveyed groups are highlighted, in particular among respondents belonging to the rural tourism entrepreneur group and the more environmentally-committed one. On the other hand, the research carried out on the tourist carrying capacity and public use of Natura 2000 areas of El Salto del Usero and the river Chícamo, has led to a proposal for the determination of the physical carrying capacity and the perceptual carrying capacity on both sites, as well as a series of recommendations aimed at promoting visitor management.