La implicación del alumnado absentista y en riesgo de abandono en su propio aprendizaje y el papel de la formación, el compromiso y el trabajo en el aula de los docentesel caso de las aulas ocupacionales de la Región de Murcia

  1. Cutanda Lopez, Maria Trinidad
Dirigida per:
  1. María Teresa González González Director/a

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 29 de d’abril de 2019

  1. Juan Manuel Escudero Muñoz President/a
  2. Francisco Javier Murillo Arroyo Secretari/ària
  3. Juan Manuel Moreno Olmedilla Vocal

Tipus: Tesi


The disengagement and the low level of implication and interest of the students towards their learning process are intimately bound up with educational problems of different nature; truancy and early school leaving among them. Currently, this is a phenomenon of a great concern, as reflected in the interest given in recent years by investigations and educational policies through the promotion of multiples actions and measures to cope with it; being Aulas Ocupacionales among them. The purpose of the present thesis (Financied by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Pre-doctoral support ref. BES-2013-036943) has been, precisely, analyzing the functioning of these Aulas in the Region of Murcia (CARM) and whether their organizational conditions (structure, social climate, coordination, resources and support) and educational dynamics (curriculum and classroom teaching), contribute to the strengthening of the link of their students with their learning, and reducing school disaffection. General goals of investigation: 1. Describing and analyzing the Aulas Ocupacionales in the CARM, what is their formal regulation, distribution and implementation in the different municipalities of the Region, students and staff. 2. Describing and analyzing the operation of those Aulas and their results in the engagement and continuity of their students. 3. Analyzing the training and the commitment of the teachers with their jobs of the students. Theoretical framework. Is structured around the theoretical and investigation perspectives posed by the need to address the phenomenon of educational risk from an ecological point of view, and the school engagement considering their different dimensions - behavioral, emotional and cognitive- from a global and interlinked approach. And around the teachers, whose compromise and training, as proved by the existing investigation, are key in that regards. Methodology. The study is positioned in a Mixed Focus of investigation (Qualitative-quantitative). It took place through a Multilevel Concurrent Nested Design of Qualitative Dominant Level -DIACNIV-. The designed instruments were two questionaires (teachers and students) and semi-structured interviews for differents professionals involved in the seven Aulas Ocupacionales in effect in the school year 2016-2017. The data were analyzed through, respectively, a descriptive statistical analysis (with the support of SPSS Statistivs V24 software), and the technique of qualitative content analysis with the restriction of the units of analysis, open codification and categorization (Atlas ti V8). Results and conclusions. The reason for the implementation of a measure such as the Aula Ocupacional has been unveiled; together with some facets of their operation that leave them, and their students, ocassional, leaving an evident void in the integrated and carried out decision-making, and the assumption of due responsibilities towards their students. It is equally remarkable that the implication and training of the teachers asigned to meet the needs of the most vulnerable students has been aspects as significant as neglected. The reality of the studied Aulas Ocupacionales has put on record the existing distance between the great mottos about equality and equity supported on paper by the law, and what really occurs in the heart of a particular program as exceptional and marginalised as their students have been. The idea that it is necessary to continue investigating and deepening in the matter of school failure and early school leaving, a matter not exhausted by any means, and, in particular, about what happens in the measures and programs that try to answer that matter but that turns out to be the most inapropiate the greater the vulnerability that is tried to be alleviate, is reinforced.