Diseño y validación de una escala para medir el estilo controlador del estudiante de Educación Superior

  1. Huéscar Hernández, Elisa
  2. Moreno-Murcia, Juan Antonio
  3. Alías García, Antonio
Psychology, Society & Education

ISSN: 1989-709X 2171-2085

Year of publication: 2017

Volume: 9

Issue: 2

Pages: 239-249

Type: Article

DOI: 10.25115/PSYE.V9I2.696 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Psychology, Society & Education


The goal was the design and validation of an instrument of interpersonal style evaluation of student driver Higher Education. Involved 332 college students (140 boys and 192 girls) 2nd year 6 degrees belonging to the area of Health Sciences with an average of 21.05 years (SD = 3.97). Afterseveralphases and support factor analysis (exploratory and confirmatory) (SCS) was composed of a single factor of eight items. The results indicate that the scale has construct validity, reliability and predictive validity, as compared to the variable sex, interaction control strategies by the boys appear more frequently than girls. The scale generated is presented as valid and reliable, recommending its use in assessing interaction styles of students.

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