¿Es necesario profesionalizar la figura del tutor de especialistas en formación sanitaria?

  1. Miriam Martínez Juárez
  2. Pilar Martínez Clares
  3. Eduardo B. Romero Sánchez
  4. Jesús Miguel Muñoz Cantero
Ciencias Psicológicas

ISSN: 1688-4094 1688-4221

Year of publication: 2009

Year: 3

Issue: 1

Pages: 101-114

Type: Article

More publications in: Ciencias Psicológicas


The training system of health care professionals in our country is mature enough, but it has to face new challenges, as it is the case of the professionalization of the academic advisor of specialists in formation. The current regulation governing the specialized training, attaches importance to this figure but scarcely portrays it. The large structural transformation raises the need to conceive new professionals to which to attribute competencies that have not been required to date. To assist the adaptation to all these changes, we need new teaching-learning systems based on competencies to facilitate learning throughout life, to contribute to birth of the kind of professional required and demanded in the XXI century. We are aware that neither the health care organizations, nor the profile of health care professionals have remained on the sidelines of the new requirements of the environment. Therefore, we wonder if the academic advisor of specialists in training is prepared to assume these responsibilities, being necessary and priority, its professionalization

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