La motivación del turismo deportivo en espacios naturales

unter der Leitung von:
  1. Juan Antonio Moreno Murcia Doktorvater

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche

Fecha de defensa: 25 von Mai von 2016

  1. Rudy José Nodari Júnior Präsident/in
  2. Elisa Huéscar Hernández Sekretär/in
  3. Luis Conte Marín Vocal
  4. Fernanda Borges Silva Vocal
  5. Ramón Canto Alcaraz Vocal

Art: Dissertation


1. Introduction Nature has been one of the most important resources in the tourism sector since the beginning of this activity in our natural areas. Nature tourism is based on the discovery, knowledge, active enjoyment, learning, contemplation and rest in the natural environment. To answer these main motivations of tourism demand, the actors involved have developed various forms of nature tourism. All these modalities interact with biodiversity as this is the space where activities are performed. In all, during practice, certain impacts occur in the natural environment, depending on variables such as spatial location, infrastructure that requires the activity, the timing of activities, the intensity of use or volume of users and forms in which activities are practiced, etc. The physical sports and recreational activities in nature, in its various forms of practices have increasingly important implications sociocultural level and involving, as indicated Laraña (1986), an exceedance of modern industrial society. 2. Participants The study sample consisted of 396 practitioners of physical and sports activities in natural areas (193 women and 203 men) . middle class, in the region low and medium Vinalopó (Alicante). The ages of the participants ranged between 18 and 77 years (M = 28.89, SD = 13.11). 3. Measures We used the method developed by Fernando Vera Rebollo based on Marchena (1992) leisure and tourism in Andalusian natural parks. The content of the questionnaire in the first phase identified age and sex if performed physical exercise in nature to define the mode: • Adventure. • Contact with the media. • Sports with low environmental impact. • Activities based on cultural and anthropological values. Satisfaction scale basic psychological needs. the Psychological Need satistaction in Exersice Scale (PNAC) Wilson, Rogers, and Wild (2006) validated the Spanish context by Moreno-Murcia, March, Martinez Galindo, and Conte (2011) was used. The PNAC uses 18 items six to evaluate each of the needs of competition. The internal consistency of the instrument was .90, .87 and .91, respectively. integrated intrinsic motivation. the intrinsic motivation and integrated dimensions of the localized Behavioral Regulation in Sport Questionnaire Lonsdale, Hodge version were used, and Rose (2008), validated the Castilian by Moreno-Murcia et al. (2011). The internal consistency of the instrument was .91 and .89 respectively.Reasons Measurement Scale Revised Physical Activity. the Spanish version (Moreno, Cervello, and Martinez Camacho, 2007b) of the MPAM-R scale created by Ryan, Frederick, Lepes, Rubio and Sheldon (1997) to measure the motives of practice towards physical activity was used. This scale consisted of 30 items, grouped into five factors: enjoyment, appearance, social, fitness / health and competence. Responses were collected on a Likert scale of seven points. The internal consistency of the instrument was .91, .88, .81, .92, and .91 respectively. autotelic experience. the experience factor autotelic Spanish translation (Garcia Calvo, Cervelló, Jiménez, and Santos-Rosa, 2005) of the Dispositional Flow Scale-2 (Jackson and Eklund, 2002) was used. This factor measured the propensity to autotelic practitioner experience and consisted of four reagents that were answered by a Likert 1 (never) type scale to 5 (always). The internal consistency of the instrument was .91. Intent practice. Measure of intentionality to be physically active (MIFA), which is adapted from Hein et al version was used. (2004) and validated by the Spanish context Moreno, Moreno and Cervello (2008). It consists of a single factor consisting of five items to measure the intention of the practitioner to be physically active. The responses correspond to a Likert scale ranging from 1 to 5. The internal consistency of the instrument was .93. human flourishing. Scale Blossoming Diener, Wirtz, Tov, Kim-Prieto, Oishi, and Biswas-Diener (2009) (Flourishing ALCS, FS) validated the Spanish context by Joseph, Huesca, and Moreno-Murcia was used (in press). Consists of seven items and one-dimensional. The internal consistency of the instrument was .81. Level of physical activity. To measure habitual physical activity of the participants the Spanish version (Sarria et al., 1987) Questionnaire Baecke Habitual Physical Activity, Burema, and Frijters (1982) was used. This questionnaire has shown adequate validity and reliability (Florindo and Latorre, 2003). The questionnaire allows for three scores of habitual physical activity related to the last 12 months. The internal consistency of the instrument was .92. 4. Data Analysis the (mean, standard deviation) descriptive statistics for all variables were calculated. In addition, a chi-square test with residuals to check the relationship between variables was performed. To check the reliability of the different dimensions was carried out an analysis of internal consistency through Cronbach's alpha. To check possible motivational profiles with mediators psychological variables and intrinsic motivation and integrated cluster analysis was performed. For this, a hierarchical cluster analysis with Ward method was performed. To check possible differences between profiles and other variables, a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was performed. This test was also used to check for possible differences by age and physical exercise. To do SPSS 215. Results 257 people practiced sports tourism in natural areas while 139 people did not perform this practice in natural areas. Practitioners of all sports tourism in natural areas in the form of adventure: rafting practice 7.8%, 3.8% canoeing, bungee jumping 3.5%, 2.3% 1% kayaking canyoning, and 0.8% hidrosped. In the form of contact with the medium, hiking has been the most popular activity with 159 people, followed by cycling with 33 practitioners, equestrian trails with 14 practitioners, raids 4x4 with 4 practitioners and other activities with 18 practitioners. In the category of sports with low environmental impact 14% say they practice other sports, mountaineering followed with 6.3%, 1.8% spelunking, hang gliding and paragliding 1% 1%. In relation to the mode based on cultural and anthropological values: botanical routes accounted for 4.8%, environmental education 3.5%, cultural routes Anthropological 3.3%, ornithological tours 2.8% and 1.8% agritourism. Of the 335 practitioners of sports tourism in nature, 178 have used some form of accommodation versus 157 who have not. Tourists are 53% of those who practice outdoor activities. 47% do not use accommodation day visitors or excursionists would be called. Of those who have used accommodation during the practice of sports tourism in natural spaces: 62 participants have used the hotel, 60 rural house, 36 camping, 17 cabins, 6 apartments, 3 farms, and 7 other accommodations. As practitioners of physical and sports activities in nature according to age: 47% were under 24 years, 35.6% between 25y 40 years and 17.4% over 40 years..0 was used. Descriptive analysis of the reasons for practice Among the relationship between sex and physical practice sports in nature were men (35.4%) (p <.04), which showed higher percentage of practice against women (29.9%). In this sense, the men were positively associated with physical exercise in nature. While women were negatively associated with physical exercise in nature. The relationship between sex and sports in nature in the form of contact with the media specializing in hiking (p <.002) were women (36.8%), which showed higher percentage of practice against men (32.9%). In this sense women were positively associated with this type of sport while men were negatively associated with the practice of hiking. In the specialty of cycling men (12.3%) were those that showed higher percentage of practice against women (2.2%). In this sense the men were positively associated with this type of sports while women were negatively associated with the practice of cycling. The relationship between sex and sports in nature in the form of low-impact sports specialty mountaineering men were 21.4% (p <.045), which showed higher percentage of practice, beating women (4.1%). In this sense, the men were positively associated with this type of sports while women were negatively associated with the practice of mountaineering. In the relationship that existed between the age group and the type of accommodation, camping (11.5%) was the favorite among 18- to 24-year accommodation. In the relationship she was found between sex and type of accommodation used, the cabins were the most used by men, 2.4% (p <.005). Descriptive and bivariate correlations analysis Descriptive analysis between psychological mediators, autonomy was the most valued followed by competition and relationships with others. The integrated motivation was more valued than intrinsic motivation. Among the practical reasons, health was the most valued, followed by enjoyment, competition, appearance and social. The experience autotelic presented a value of 4.10, the intention of practice 3.87, the exercise rate of 6.23 and 5.30 flourish. All study variables were positively and significantly correlated with each other. Analysis of motivational profiles To determine focus groups existing in the sample, a hierarchical cluster analysis was performed using the Ward method. The dendrogram obtained emerged the existence of two groups. According Norusis (1992), small coefficients indicate great homogeneity between cluster members, while, conversely, large coefficients show large differences among members. a profile "not self-determined" (cluster 1) with very low competition scores, autonomy: two distinct motivational profiles (Wilks' Lambda = 0.51, F (7, 388) = 52.96, p <.01, η2 = 0.48) were obtained , relationships with others, intrinsic motivation and integrated motivation; another profile "self-determined" (cluster 2) with higher scores on competence, autonomy, relationships with others, intrinsic motivation and integrated motivation. Unlike profiles analysis To examine the characteristics of each motivational profile according to the variables of practical reasons, intention, autotelic experience, exercise and flowering rate, multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) were performed. To do this, the cluster as independent variables were used, and the factors described above as dependent variables (Table 12). The results showed differences (Wilk's Λ = .56, F (9, 396) = 45.50, p <.01) in favor Profile "self-determined" in all variables Multivariate analysis of variance by age group and practice in the natural environment To check the possible differences by age group according to the psychological mediators variables, intrinsic motivation and integrated, practical reasons, intention, autotelic experience, exercise and flowering rate, multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) were performed. To do this, the age groups (-24 years, 25-40 years and + 40 years) as independent variables, and the factors described above as dependent variables (Table 12) was used. According to the variable age groups, differences (Wilks' Lambda = 0.83, F (26, 760) = 2.68, p <.01, η2 = 0.84) were found. Specifically, we found differences in the variables competition, enjoyment, appearance, social, health, competition, intention, autotelic experience and exercise rate. Variables in competition, enjoyment, apparently intent and exercise rate differences occurred between the age groups under 24 and over 40 years and between 25 to 40 years and those over 40 years. In social and health variables, differences were among those under 24 years and between 25 to 40 years. While in the variable autotelic experience, the differences were between the age groups under 24 and over 40. In all cases, higher averages in the younger age groups. According to the variable physical exercise in nature, differences (Wilks' Lambda = 0.79, F (13, 382) = 7.66, p <.01, η2 = .207) in all dimensions were found to be higher in those they practiced in nature. 6. Conclusion Finally and as a global assessment of the relationships found in our study, we note the following conclusions come to summarize the main contributions of the study: The main sports activities developed in natural areas include cycling, hiking and running. In the form of contact with the medium in the specialty hiking women are those with a higher value specialty hiking while men do in cycle tourism. The younger they choose the campsite as the preferred accommodation while the cabins are preferred by men accommodation. By age groups, the youngest are those who value more the psychological mediators, the reasons enjoyment, appearance, social, health and competition, intended to practice, autotelic experience, the rate of physical exercise and human flourishing. There is a positive correlation between basic psychological needs, and integrated intrinsic motivation, practical reasons autotelic experience, intention to be physically active, human flourishing and level of physical activity. They have obtained two motivational profiles. A self-determined profile with high scores on competence, autonomy relationship with others, intrinsic motivation and integrated motivation; and another profile is not self-determined, with lower scores on the variables described. There is a pattern of positive thinking towards physical and sports in nature (practical reasons, intention, autotelic experience, human flourishing and physical exercise in the natural environment) that is positively related to a profile of self-determined motivation.