Un modelo general de referencia para el acceso remoto a laboratorios docentes y de investigación

  1. Márquez Sánchez, Marco Antonio
Supervised by:
  1. Andrés Manuel Mejías Borrero Director
  2. José Manuel Andújar Márquez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 04 March 2015

  1. Sebastián Dormido Bencomo Chair
  2. Francisco Esquembre Secretary
  3. Manuel Berenguel Soria Committee member

Type: Thesis


implementation in different universities, labs of various kinds, which are in operation at this time and have been developed under the proposed model. In some cases it has just implemented SARLAB to solve the issues related to communications, and in others the full model has been implemented: from the design of the experience from the teacher, to its realization by the students. In any case, the generic convergence system (either the proposed or other model based on the use of other tools such as Matlab, LabView, etc.) makes that the problem of remote experience is a problem of communications management, whose responsible in the proposed model is the SARLAB server. It manages the exchange of information between the user and the experimental system in a complete way, independently of the experimental nature of the lab class. The generic convergence system also facilitates the creation of tools to assist the process of the experience design. In essence, the proposed architecture provides a tool that has the following fundamental characteristics: it is full, general, open, scalable, assisted and distributed. It is general because the generic convergence system allows the treatment of the different remote labs independently of its experimental nature, so the model is applicable to any area of knowledge. It has open character because, although the model must always include SARLAB as the component responsible for managing communications, it provides the possibility of using any LMS and design strategy in implementing the generic convergence system. Thus, the open character of the model is reflected by the fact of that in each stage of developing from the general conceptual model to the physical tool, a careful analysis of all alternatives to maximize the degree of freedom in designing the experience has been made. This enables that highly experienced designers can use their own developments and integrate them with SARLAB, as well as that less experienced designers can be assisted in all steps of design with the tools proposed in the model. It is scalable, thanks to the possibilities presented as solution of the generic convergence system. Several physical platforms that allow an implementation adapted to the difficulty of the system and the network access are proposed. Thus, the use from small processors to powerful MCU / microprocessor-based computers with multiple cores is proposed. The primary objective of facilitating the development of experiences to designers with little knowledge in communications technologies, has led to the creation of tools that assist them in all phases of the development. Thus, the model includes the use of EJSApp (developed by the UNED) for integrating the system interface into Moodle, the use of DIGEXLAB to design communications and the use of different elements created in EJS framework and developed in the Thesis to implement the general convergence system, among others. So, EJS is the application used as a tool for quick development of the user interface. Finally, the model is distributed as a result of the structure of development followed, in which the learning management is delegated to the LMS. This has led to the possibility of distributing experiences between various institutions, centralizing access in one LMS, which is the networking of distributed laboratories. Networks and individual experiences in which the model is in operation, show its generality and open character. In fact, there are experiences of a wide variety of knowledge areas, in many of which an own convergence strategy is developed. For example, in implementations made by the Distance Learning National University, a strategy of self-convergence based on LabView is used. It has been developed over several years, and is fully assisted and optimized for the areas of knowledge in which it is used. In deployments made by the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), the generic convergence system is based on PLC architectures. In the implementations made by the Circle of Innovation and Technology (CIT) at the University of Cadiz, the development of elements to manage network devices has been necessary. Finally, in the implementations made by the University of Huelva, the remote labs have been designed using the model completely.