De las gazetas a la prensa digitaldos siglos de periodismo escrito en Huelva (1810-2010)

  1. Díaz Domínguez, Mari Paz
Dirigida per:
  1. Maria Antonia Peña Guerrero Director/a

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 17 de de setembre de 2012

  1. Francisco José Martínez López President
  2. Encarnación Lemus López Secretari/ària
  3. José Manuel Tellechea Rodríguez Vocal
  4. Eloy Arias Castañón Vocal
  5. Antonio Checa Godoy Vocal

Tipus: Tesi


�Of the Gazettes to the digital press. Two centuries of jounalism written in Huelva (1810-2010)� responds to a full investigation on the characteristics of the characteristics of the Huelva press since the appearance of the first newspaper in 1810 with Gazela de Ayamonte until the recent emergence of the first newspapers distributed over the internet. It�s a topic umprecedented in study, that so far there was no work on this matter. This situation has caused the Huelva press has been barred scarce and of poor quality, an unfair assertion made from ignorance. Therefore. this research has the aim of knowing what has been the real contribution made throughout history by Huelva written journalism, as well as its evolution and role played by every newspaper. Because Huelva has played a relevant role in this aspect inside a regional and national context. And not only because the number of onubenses publications disseminated at this time has been very broad, but because many of these titles have had a pioneer character in Spain and/or have highlighted for its quality. The choice of this broad chronological period allows us to check how the edited press in Huelva has responded to changes that have been taking place in society in these two centuries. Moreover, each experienced historical stage gives sorne relevant feature when it comes to written press. Citing some examples, this thesis allows us to analyze how Huelva reacted to so interesting phenomena, such as the turning system during the Restoration, the trajectory of the first newspapers (La Provincia, Diario de Huelva, Odiel ... ), the transfer of the american vocation to magazines such as La Rábida (1911-1933), clandestine workers bulletins of the Tardofranquismo or the proliferation of projects under the protection of the Freedom of Speech, decreed in article 20 of the Spanish Constitution of 1978, among others. For this reason, we have carried out a thorough work of location of funds available on Huelva press, both in public rooms and in prívate hands, which we found ourselves with the pitfall of the few available sources, in many cases non-existent or poorly preserved. This compilation can convert into a future source for researchers interested in onubenses issues, while nowadays the Archive Municipal of Huelva is the place which has a greater number of original headers. Ultimately. we believe that this research shows that Huelva written journalism must be very taken into global context. lt has been an exciting work under María Antonia Peña's direction.