De "simplici medicina" (Circa instans) en inglés mediovernacularización del tratado salernitano de Mateo Plateario

  1. Garrido Anes, Maria Edurne
Supervised by:
  1. María José Carrillo Linares Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 15 December 2005

  1. Juan Luis Carrillo Martos Chair
  2. María Luz López Terrada Secretary
  3. Santiago González Fernández-Corugedo Committee member
  4. Francisco Alonso Almeida Committee member
  5. Juan Camilo Conde Silvestre Committee member

Type: Thesis


This PhD Dissertation focuses on the hitherto unknown �English history� of one of the most relevant and influential books of medical simples that circulated in the Middle Ages: De simplici medicina �also known as Circa instans. Apart from offering an overview of its sources and antecedents, this research provides us with a comprehensive study of its Middle English extant manuscripts and it presents, for the first time, an edition of one of the Middle English manuscripts containing a version of the celebrated Salernitan work (CUL Ee.1.13, 1r-91v).