Coping strategies in obsessive-compulsive patients during Covid-19 lockdown

  1. Ángel Rosa-Alcázar
  2. María Dolores García-Hernández
  3. José Luis Parada-Navas
  4. Pablo J. Olivares-Olivares
  5. Sergio Martínez-Murillo
  6. Ana I. Rosa-Alcázar
International journal of clinical and health psychology

ISSN: 1697-2600

Year of publication: 2021

Volume: 21

Issue: 2

Pages: 39-45

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/J.IJCHP.2021.100223 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: International journal of clinical and health psychology

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The main aim of this study was to compare coping strategies in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) patients and a healthy control group during COVID-19 lockdown and to analyze the relationship with some variables which may influence results (depression, anxiety, comorbidity, subtype of obsession-compulsion). Method: There were 237 participants, 122 OCD and 115 healthy controls, aged 17-61 years old (M = 33.48, SD = 11.13). Results: Groups showed differences in the use of some adaptive strategies (positive reinterpretation, acceptance, humor) and maladaptive (denial, self-blame). Within obsessive-compulsive group, comorbidity affected the greater use of inappropriate strategies (denial, substance abuse and self-blame) while type of obsession-compulsion did not influence use. Anxiety and depression levels were related to the use of less adaptive strategies. Conclusions: These findings strengthen the need for training in the use of effective and adaptive coping strategies, making it necessary to improve clinical follow-up of these patients. It is relevant to be in contact with healthcare professionals, review medication and observe the anxiety and depression levels.

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