Inserción sociolaboral de las personas con discapacidad en la Región de Murciaanálisis sociológico para la intervención social

  1. Sánchez Alcoba, Antonia
Supervised by:
  1. Manuel Hernández Pedreño Director
  2. Esther Raya Díez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 17 November 2020

  1. María Rosario Sánchez Morales Chair
  2. Pilar Ortiz García Secretary
  3. Angel Belzunegui Eraso Committee member
  1. Sociology

Type: Thesis


Current socio-economic context includes vulnerability and social exclusion related to job precariousness as a consequence of 2008 crisis. Population with disabilities or functional diversity are specially affected by this unfavorable social-labor situation since their positions are quantitative and qualitative lower. Inequalities, loss of rights and risk or situations of social exclusion have increased in this group. Access to the labour market is a basis pillar for social inclusion in developed societies. The employment of people with disabilities contributes to economic self-sufficiency, as well as allowing personal and social self-realization, the development of an autonomous and independent life and access to full-rights citizenship. In this scenario of social unprotection and from the European level, it is recomemended to influence access to the labour market of this group as a priority issure in its integration itineraries. The main objective of this thesis is to analyze the socio-labor insertion processes of people with disabilities in active employment situations in the Region of Murcia from a multidimensional approach, considering the employment situation as the central axis in relation to social dimensions (income, the level of education, social health, residential, relational and citizen participation). This objective is achieved by the following specific objectives: a) to contextualise the labour and social market of persons with disabilities; b) to define the sociodemographic profile of active employment groups in the Region of Murcia in 2015, according to classification variables (age, sex, marital status, etc.) and disability groups; c) to describe the social situation from the multidimensional approach; d) to characterize the employment insertion processes of people with disabilities, with particular emphasis on access routes, stability and job promotion; e) to Know the assessment of people with disabilities of their own socio-occupational situation; f) to identify the different roles of the social actors involved in the processes of socio-occupational integration of people with disabilities (family, disability organisations, professionals, employers and public administration). The achievement of the goals has been carried out throughout a mixed methodology, which combines quantitative and qualitative techniques, based on primary and secondary sources. The quantitative strategy consists on a survey on the socio-occupational situation of people with disabilities in employment, which is applied in collaboration with CERMI-Region of Murcia; the exploitation of available secondary statistics on disability and employment (mainly the State Database of People with Disabilities of the IMSERSO and the macro-surveys on Disability and Employment of People with Disabilities of the INE) has also been incorporated. On the other hand, the qualitative strategy has been based on eight in-depth interviews and a discussion group. Some of the most remarkable conclusions are the following: people with disabilities remain in positions of inferiority and disadvantage in all vital dimensions, with the exception of the family network, which is a support and a protection factor, along with disability entities; people with mental and intellectual disabilities have a more precarious socio-occupational inclusion; in addition, women with disabilities reflect a double discrimination: being a woman and having a disability. Despite the significant achievements in the field of disability, the path to the social and labor integration of this group is still open and in recent years, stagnating due to the economic situation and the social inequality due to disability.