Serum galactomannan versus a combination of galactomannan and polymerase chain reaction-based aspergillus DNA detection for early therapy of invasive aspergillosis in high-risk hematological patients: A randomized controlled trial
- Aguado, J.M.
- Vazquez, L.
- Fernandez-Ruiz, M.
- Villaescusa, T.
- Ruiz-Camps, I.
- Barba, P.
- Silva, J.T.
- Batlle, M.
- Solano, C.
- Gallardo, D.
- Heras, I.
- Polo, M.
- Varela, R.
- Vallejo, C.
- Olave, T.
- López-Jiménez, J.
- Rovira, M.
- Parody, R.
- Cuenca-Estrella, M.
ISSN: 1537-6591, 1058-4838
Argitalpen urtea: 2015
Alea: 60
Zenbakia: 3
Orrialdeak: 405-414
Mota: Artikulua