Emprendedores habituales en la empresa familiar

Supervised by:
  1. María Concepción López Fernández Director
  2. Ana María Serrano Bedia Director

Defence university: Universidad de Cantabria

Fecha de defensa: 13 July 2017

  1. Lázaro Rodríguez Ariza Chair
  2. Marta Pérez Pérez Secretary
  3. Ángel Luis Meroño Cerdán Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 476914 DIALNET lock_openUCrea editor


In the study of the habitual entrepreneurs in the family business, a study of the phenomenon of entrepreneurship was carried out from the understanding that the Entrepreneur is not a homogeneous entity but can be distinguished by its experience to start a business, finding those habitual entrepreneurs as those who start a business more once gaining experience. Different lines of research of the habitual entrepreneur have generated an individual perspective to approach the phenomenon and few are the works include different perspectives in the same work. The proposal of this research is to try to explain to the habitual entrepreneur from a more integral vision with the purpose of giving greater power to the explanation to the phenomenon of the habitual entrepreneur when considering variables of the different dimensions, such as variables that the literatura suggests in the line of research of the individual, such as the antecedents and personal characteristics, psychological factors such as the motivation of the entrepreneur to start his first company and his motivation to repeat the entrepreneurship as well as his ability to assemble resources. Variables of the environment are also posed, such as an environment such as that of the company (in particular the context of a family business) and / or an environment such as that of the economy that can inhibit or favor habitual entrepreneurship. The study explores the dimension of entrepreneurship in Mexico, with a sample of 182 entrepreneurs, confirming its widespread presence. In addition to knowing the proportions of characteristics such as gender, age, level of education, family history; These characteristics are analyzed using the statistical procedure of chi-cuadrado to find the relations of the characteristics and of the habitual undertaking, finding strongly related the gender, finally through a procedure of binomial logistic regression where individual, motivational and context factors are favored or inhibit habitual entrepreneurship; An approach is made to the context of both the family business and an environment conducive to entrepreneurship repeated as well as to the economic context in which the entrepreneur develops.