La divulgación de la salud a través de Radio Nacional de España durante la temporada 2014-15. ¿Cuánto se ha hablado, cómo y de qué?

  1. Blasco García, Carlos
Dirixida por:
  1. Aarón Rodríguez Serrano Director
  2. Manuel Pardo Ríos Co-director

Universidade de defensa: Universitat Jaume I

Fecha de defensa: 22 de setembro de 2017

  1. Luis Moser Rothschild Martin Presidente/a
  2. Esteban Galán Cubillo Secretario/a
  3. César Leal Costa Vogal

Tipo: Tese

Teseo: 509913 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


We propose a descriptive, longitudinal and retrospective investigation over the Radio Nacional de España broadcasting during the 2014-15 period. The contents releated with health in the programs "Las Mañanas de RNE", "España vuelta y vuelta", "Esto me suena, las tardes del ciudadano García" y "No es un día cualquiera" where analyzed using 26 variables of analysis following the investigation question: "How much were spoken, how and about what" . As a result, 811 podcast were listened and analyzed. The main conclusions were that health was widely treated during the brodcasting period, the source of the information was not usually a health professional and the audience could ask, express their point of view and solve their dubts by an active participation.