Supplementation with exogenous coenzyme Q10 to media for in vitro maturation and embryo culture fails to promote the developmental competence of porcine embryos

  1. Maside, C.
  2. Martinez, C.A.
  3. Cambra, J.M.
  4. Lucas, X.
  5. Martinez, E.A.
  6. Gil, M.A.
  7. Rodriguez-Martinez, H.
  8. Parrilla, I.
  9. Cuello, C.
Reproduction in Domestic Animals

ISSN: 1439-0531 0936-6768

Year of publication: 2019

Volume: 54

Issue: S4

Pages: 72-77

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1111/RDA.13486 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

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