Estudio cualitativo temporal, de las biodiversidades sectoriales de los años de máxima y mínima acogida de aves en el embalse de Arrocampo de la central nuclear de Almaraz (Cáceres)

  1. Píriz Delgado, Daniel
Supervised by:
  1. José Carlos Escudero García Director
  2. José Antonio Palazón Ferrando Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 05 May 2017

  1. Manuel Antonio González Chair
  2. María Francisca Carreño Fructuoso Secretary
  3. María Cruz Díaz Antunes-Barradas Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 467294 DIALNET


The present report contains the work done for the study Of the faunistic composition, namely the community of birds, In the Arrocampo reservoir (Cáceres). It addresses the biennium 2009-2010, Of maximum and minimum species reception for a series of more than 30 years. Determine the possible causes of these situations, As well as evaluate a possible analysis strategy, That can be used for a general survey of information Available are the main challenges that are addressed at work.