Entornos socioculturales, alimentación y estilos de vida en relación con la obesidad infantil y adolescente. Zacatecas-México

  1. Solano García, Aida Liliana
Dirixida por:
  1. Manuel Vizuete Carrizosa Director
  2. Sebastián Feu Molina Director
  3. Ángel Ventura García Preciado Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 18 de xuño de 2015

  1. Carmen González González de Mesa Presidente/a
  2. Ernesto de la Cruz Sánchez Secretario
  3. Antonio Antúnez Medina Vogal
  4. Francisco Javier Giménez Fuentes-Guerra Vogal
  5. María José Mateos Carreras Vogal

Tipo: Tese


Health problems have had changed in the latest years. The perception has been had linked to promoting healthier life styles; However, until recently, has not begun to pay special attention to the benefit of the practices of physical exercise, to reduce the risk of chronic diseases and promote the physical and mental wellbeing. Mexico had been has increased its rate of overweight and obesity like the number one in the worldwide in booths, children and adults. Obesity had been had upward trending during the last two decades have made denominated like the obesity epidemic, confirm the importance of the lifestyle modification, promoting the healthy lifestyles, as hygienic habits. The research aims to determine the psychosocial factors, quality of food and physical activity, to promote the quality of life of Mexican children and adolescents. We have had done the reference on students in 6th grade of Zacatecas, to establish their physical and healthy status as determinants of the risk factors of their environment and family alimentary culture. Anthropometric measures are described; social demographic; the welfare state and health of students; lifestyles and eating habits, levels of physical activity and body image perception.