Soldados españoles en AfganistanTendencias culturales en una misión de paz

  1. Mariño Lamamie De Clairac, Maximiliano
Supervised by:
  1. Klaus Schriewer Director
  2. Juan Ignacio Rico Becerra Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 17 July 2015

  1. Jesús Ignacio Martínez Paricio Chair
  2. Antonio Campillo Meseguer Secretary
  3. José García Caneiro Committee member
  1. Political Science, Social Anthropology and Public Finance

Type: Thesis


ABSTRACT This thesis has the general objective study cultural trends present military organization among the Spanish soldiers who participated in the ISAF mission in Afghanistan, understanding that organizations are diverse from a cultural standpoint. For which we obtained their stories through interviews, in which we hope to discover what perceptions have on the elements that have formed part of their mission experience. Specifically, the type of motivation to show the performance of peacekeeping operations, the relationships they have established with mission partners, and perceptions of the people of Afghanistan. When we approach the study followed a qualitative approach in order to explore the complexity of the culture of the military organization analyzed. The categories of informants we selected by the qualitative from the data obtained in the first meetings sampling, following the principle of circularity. The data collection process has been based primarily on open and semi-structured interviews and a focus group. The stories obtained analyze them and structure around three thematic lines aimed at responding to the specific objectives. The thesis concludes with the analysis and description of three cultural trends found in the Spanish mission in Afghanistan, which we called "institutional", "ocupational" and "postmodern". The soldiers included in the institutional trend are grouped into operating units, related to combat and action. While find their way to the military profession in preparation for war, they have managed to find motivation in carrying out peacekeeping operations, as a way to make significant actions to society or to enhance the image of their nation. Occupational soldiers are opposite to the previous category. It is integrated military support units similar performing other activities in civilian life. They do not show particular interest towards the realization of peacekeeping operations, although they are in both economic and professional incentives. They are a complement to their work, enriching his career and provides an economic supplement, but not its main objective. Finally, postmodern soldiers represent a category that has shifted to institutional within operational units. They are soldiers who are specifically trained to perform peacekeeping operations and that is perceived in their motivations, related with adventures and meaningful experiences. These soldiers have traits of the two previous categories; they maintain strong ties with fellow unit but, concomitantly, are open to interact with members of other units, armies or countries. In them, the gregarious impulse of its institutional partners is attenuated, like his nationalist sentiment. For all these reasons are those who show a greater interest in meeting people and customs of the country where the mission is carried out.