Surgery, Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Chaves Benito
Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Asunción Chaves Benito (10)
Development of a predictive score of axillary lymph node dissection based on targeted axillary dissection in patients with breast cancer diagnosis, affected lymph nodes, and neoadjuvant treatment
Surgical Oncology, Vol. 38
Feasibility and validation of the targeted axillary dissection technique in the axillary staging of breast cancer after neoadjuvant therapy: Definitive results
Surgical Oncology, Vol. 38
External validation of a prognostic model based on total tumor load of sentinel lymph node for early breast cancer patients
Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, Vol. 181, Núm. 2, pp. 339-345
Ultrasound staging in breast cancer: A decision-making oriented approach to axillary metastatic burden prediction
Surgical Oncology, Vol. 35, pp. 114-119
Validation of the targeted axillary dissection technique in the axillary staging of breast cancer after neoadjuvant therapy: Preliminary results
Surgical Oncology, Vol. 30, pp. 52-57
Perfil clínico y anatomopatológico de los tumores estromales gastrointestinales de un hospital de área: Estudio descriptivo y revisión de la literatura
Cirugia Espanola, Vol. 95, Núm. 7, pp. 391-396
Carcinoma de tiroides incidental versus no incidental: presentación clínica, tratamiento quirúrgico y pronóstico
Endocrinologia y Nutricion, Vol. 63, Núm. 9, pp. 475-481
Carcinoma de tiroides incidental versus no incidental: presentación clínica, tratamiento quirúrgico y pronóstico
Endocrinología y nutrición: órgano de la Sociedad Española de Endocrinología y Nutrición, Vol. 63, Núm. 9, pp. 475-481
Chondrosarcomatous metaplastic carcinoma of the breast, a rare tumor
Radiologia, Vol. 56, Núm. 5, pp. e9-e11