Irigoyen Lopez
Profesores Titulares de Universidad
Sanchez Ibañez
Profesor Contratado Doctor Tipo a (Dei)
Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Raquel Sanchez Ibañez (3)
Family, daily life and social inequality in Europe
Re-imagining the teaching of European history: promoting civic education and historical consciousness (Taylor & Francis), pp. 125-135
Family, daily life and social inequality in Europe
Re-imagining the Teaching of European History : Promoting Civic Education and Historical Consciousness / edited by Cosme Jesús Gómez Carrasco (Routledge), pp. 125-135
Conflicto y consenso en las familias de las elites locales: los Lucas en Murcia (siglos XVI-XVIII)
Las élites en la época moderna: la monarquía española