Researcher : Maria Pia Lopez Jornet
37 funding - 833,129€
New Device Validation Study
euro 5,900.00
Dispositivo para la Mejora de la Xerostomía. Estimulador de la Secreción Salival (Tool Saliva)
euro 24,500.00
Desarrollo de Marcadores Relacionados con Eventos Cardiovasculares (Cardíacos,Renales O Mixtos)
euro 400.00
Radiotherapy Effect Properties And Chemical Composition of Dental
euro 4,235.00
Desarrollo de Software de Análisis de Imágenes para el Seguimiento y Control de Desórdenes Orales Potencialmente Malignos
euro 2,000.00
Histomorphometric And Histologic Evaluation of New Bone Formation Using 4 Bone With Melatonin Vs 4 Bone Without Melatonin In Post Estraction Sockets Compared With Calvo Guirado Biomaterial With And Without Meratonin. Experimental Study In Dogs.
euro 25,520.00
Histomorphometric And Histologic Evaluation of New Bone Formation Using 4 Bone Biomaterial With And Without Melatonin Compared With Calvo Guirado Biomaterial In Gaps Created In C1 Vs Seven Implants. Experimental Study In Dogs
euro 25,520.00
Curso de Formación "Puesta Al Día en Odontología"
euro 3,157.30
Histomorphometric And Histologic Evaluation of Peri-Implant Bone Reactions To Immedate Implants Places And Different Levels In Relation To Crestal Bone With Melatonin And Vitamin D Vs Control C1 Implants: a Pilot Study In Dogs
euro 25,520.00
Histomorphometric And Histologic Evaluation of Crestal Bone Formation Under Umbrella Candel Abutment In C1 And Seven Crestally Exposed Implants In Healed Bone. Experimental Study In Dogs
euro 25,520.00
Puesta Al Dia en Odontología
euro 3,000.00