Group: International law
82 funding - 2,959,511€
Economía Social en 2024
euro 5,000.00
euro 1,386,707.00
Law Network ¿ Doctoral Conference Law: Law And Wellbeing
euro 1,600.00
Euniwell Moot Court II
euro 4,000.00
A Laboratory On Gender Equality Policy Reforms In Universities
euro 5,000.00
Economía Social 2023
euro 5,000.00
Provide Legal Services In The Case of The "Associação Portuguesa Da Hospitalização Privada",
euro 10,050.00
Workshops On 'State Aid Support For The Social Economy"
euro 9,500.00
Asesoramiento en el Área de Reglamento Europeo en Materia de Datos de Salud
euro 53,400.00
Evaluation of The Impact of Free Zones And Proposals For Guidelines On Their Future Modernisation In Light of The European Green Deal', Ref. No. 1002748-101
euro 7,000.00
Derecho Global y Crisis Sanitarias: hacia Una Convención Mudial Contra las Pandemias
euro 49,852.00
Disputa Territorial con la República Cooperativa de Guyana
euro 266,500.00
The Transformative European Union Law Power
euro 50,000.00
Interdisciplinary Summer School On Migration And Diversity In European Cities
euro 1,500.00
Euniwell Moot Court
euro 5,000.00
Expert Report For Arbitration Cam 3089-21/Pb-Sg
euro 10,130.27
Letter Re Expert Report For Arbitration Cam 3089-21/Pb-Sg
euro 10,130.27
La Búsqueda de Una Regulación Internacional para las Actividades Cibernéticas, ¿Una Ineludible Necesidad?
euro 21,780.00
Governance, Quality, Accountability: a Piloting Reform Process In Kurdisan Region of Iraq
euro 54,735.00
El Asesoramiento a las Autoridades de la República de Uzbekistán sobre Derecho de la Unión
euro 50,343.63