Comparación de las propiedades físicas, mecánicas y biológicas de una nueva membrana de colágeno de matriz acelular de vejiga urinaria de cerdo con otras seis membranas de colágeno de origen porcino
- Rodríguez Sánchez, Marcos
- Fabio Camacho Alonso Director
Defence university: Universidad de Murcia
Fecha de defensa: 12 December 2024
- David Peñarrocha Oltra Chair
- Francisco Molina Miñano Secretary
- Francisco José Gómez García Committee member
Type: Thesis
Objective: To compare physical, mechanical, and biological properties of a new collagen membrane of porcine acellular urinary bladder matrix (AUBM) with six other collagen membranes from porcine, equine, and bovine collagen sources. Materials and Methods: A total of 70 collagen membranes (10 per group) were included in this in vitro study in which the properties of a new membrane of AUBM were compared with those of other commercially available animal collagen membranes from heart and non-heart sources of porcine, equine, and bovine origin. Heart: porcine pericardium (PP), equine pericardium (EP), bovine pericaridium (BP). Non-heart: porcine peritoneum (PPE), equine Achilles tendon (EAT), bovine Achilles tendon (BAT). In all groups, we analyzed four physical properties (surface morphology, hydrophilic properties, degradation ratio, and thermal stability), two mechanical properties (tensile strength and elongation in dry and wet), and five biological properties (cell viability, quantification of type I collagen, quantification of osteopontin, ALP activity, and calcium deposition). Results: The AUBM membranes showed a surface morphology (in smooth and rough surfaces) very similar to those of PP, EP, EAT, and BAT. The most hydrophilic membrane (in both surfaces) was that of PPE. The AUBM membranes showed a low degradation ratio and a thermal stability similar to the rest of the membranes. Regarding the mechanical properties, the AUBM membranes had a tensile strength (dry and wet) and an elongation (dry) similar to the rest of the membranes studied. However, their elongation was much greater than the rest when wet. Finally, the new collagen membrane of AUBM was the one that showed the best biological properties. Conclusions: The new collagen membrane of AUBM showed physical and mechanical properties similar to the other six collagen membranes from porcine, equine, and bovine collagen sources. However, when wetted, they were the membranes with the highest elongation capacity, and also showed the best biological properties. In this sense, AUBM could be an ideal collagen source for the fabrication of collagen membranes for guided bone regeneration (GBR), but further clinical studies are necessary.