Nuevas tendencias en la movilidad urbanael caso de la bicicleta en la ciudad de Murcia

  1. Pineda Martínez, Carlos Agustín
Supervised by:
  1. Alfredo Pérez Morales Director
  2. Salvador Gil Guirado Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 26 June 2024

  1. Ramón García Marín Chair
  2. Rubén Villar Navascués Secretary
  3. Eduardo Martínez Gabaldón Committee member

Type: Thesis

Sustainable development goals


OBJETIVES The overall objective is to analyze and evaluate comprehensively the cycling mobility in the city of Murcia, with the purpose of contributing to the development of effective policies and strategies that promote bicycles as a sustainable and city-friendly alternative. The specific objectives can be summarized in the following points: ● Investigate and document the current state of cycling mobility in the city of Murcia. ● Evaluate supranational initiatives, government policies, and local initiatives. ● Compare the experience of Murcia with other successful cities. ● Conduct a comprehensive analysis of the advantages and benefits associated with cycling mobility. ● Identify and propose specific recommendations for improving cycling mobility in Murcia. ● Assess the potential impact of promoting cycling mobility. METODOLOGY An exhaustive literature review of all kinds of publications, treaties, agreements, and pacts related to sustainability, as well as current legislation on this topic, primarily focused on sustainable cycling mobility, has been carried out. For this reason, documents and guides on how to incorporate this infrastructure into different cities are reviewed. All data obtained come from official sources and academic studies, as well as own results, which are derived from analyses conducted on that official information together with the collected and refined field data, so that it could be analyzed later using GIS (Geographic Information Systems) techniques. CONCLUSIONS One of the initial results of this doctoral thesis may refer to the title itself, as the connotation of “new urban mobility” is not as recent as initially suggested, given that some states, such as the Netherlands, adopted models for radical changes in urban mobility using moments of geopolitical instability, such as the 1973 Oil Crisis. The concept of new mobility has been implemented in other countries for over 50 years. Furthermore, the evolution to the current concept of sustainable development is reviewed, understanding that the economic growth the world was subjected to since the end of World War II was entirely unsustainable in every sense. The Brundtland Report, establishing a framework for action reflected in successive global summits and in the Agenda 2030 and its Sustainable Development Goals. The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic represented a setback in some of these objectives, though it also accelerated the adoption of more sustainable practices in mobility, similarly to what happened with the Oil Crisis in the Netherlands. Thus, sustainable urban mobility is promoted in many cities around the world due to the fear of contagion, relying on techniques such as tactical urbanism that allow for the quick and economical adaptation of streets and plazas for this type of mobility, resulting in an increased number of cyclists and bicycles that continues today with the consolidation of many of the actions taken. Spanish legislation requires the implementation and updating of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (PMUS) and Low Emission Zones (LEZ) in municipalities of more than 50,000 inhabitants before January 1, 2023, but by March 2024, many municipalities, including Murcia, have not fulfilled these commitments. In addition, Murcia's cycling infrastructure is reviewed to verify if the initial commitments regarding the length of the routes have been met and if it complies with the principles of sustainability, making it clear that there is work to be done, but that, despite everything, the actions carried out are positive in this regard.