Diferencias de género y factores relacionados con la perpetración y victimización de la violencia en las relaciones de noviazgo en la población joven
- Ismael Jiménez Ruiz Doktorvater
Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Murcia
Fecha de defensa: 20 von März von 2024
Art: Dissertation
Objectives The main objective of the doctoral thesis was to analyse violence in dating relationships among the adolescent and young adult population and to identify the variables that influence it. The specific objectives were: to identify the types of violence exercised and suffered in dating relationships according to sex and gender, to validate a useful tool for the identification of bidirectional violence in dating relationships in the young adult population, to investigate the relationship between the assertive capacities of the population and the perpetration and victimization of sexual violence in dating relationships in the young adult population. Methodology A quantitative methodology was used for the different studies developed during the process. Firstly, in order to gather as much information as possible on the forms of violence suffered and exercised, a systematic review with meta-analysis of the results was carried out. This review analysed a total of 4264 studies, finally indexing a total of 12 studies in its meta-analysis, independently analysing categorical and continuous research. The second study followed an instrumental, observational, descriptive and cross-sectional design. The sample consisted of 976 young adult male and female university students belonging to the University of Murcia. The Conflict Inventory in Adolescent Dating Relationships Inventory (CADRI) was used to identify which forms of violence were exercised and suffered according to sex. The CADRI provides the ability to identify violence in a bidirectional manner, measuring both perpetrated and suffered acts. In addition, the correct use of this instrument was analysed in a sample of young adults, for which a confirmatory factor analysis was carried out. The third study followed a cross-sectional correlational design. The sample consisted of 380 adult and young adult students belonging to the University of Murcia, University of León and Polytechnic University of Cartagena. The Dating Violence Questionnaire for Victimization and Perpetration (DVQ-VP) was used to identify sexual violence perpetrated and suffered. To analyse the degree of sexual assertiveness present, the Assertiveness in Sexual Relationships Questionnaire (ASRQ) was used. Conclusions It was identified that both men and women exercised and suffered violence in relationships in a bidirectional manner. The prevalence data for violent acts were alarming, showing that a large part of the samples analysed had exercised or suffered a violent act in the context of a couple's relationship. The most extreme violence analysed was sexual violence, which was exercised to a greater extent by men. Different assertive behaviors were related to sexual violence, both exercised and suffered, identifying variables that can be used as protective when working with the general population, victims and even aggressors.