The whole is greater than the sum of its parts: Long-read sequencing for solving clinical problems in haematology
- Bravo-Perez, C.
- Cifuentes-Riquelme, R.
- Padilla, J.
- de la Morena-Barrio, M.E.
- Ortuño, F.J.
- Garrido-Rodríguez, P.
- Amigo, M.L.
- Heras, I.
- Vicente, V.
- Lozano, M.L.
- Teruel-Montoya, R.
- de la Morena-Barrio, B.
- Corral, J.
Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine
ISSN: 1582-1838
Datum der Publikation: 2024
Ausgabe: 28
Nummer: 3
Art: Artikel