Short, medium, and long deferral of umbilical cord clamping compared with umbilical cord milking and immediate clamping at preterm birth: a systematic review and network meta-analysis with individual participant data

  1. Seidler, A.L.
  2. Libesman, S.
  3. Hunter, K.E.
  4. Barba, A.
  5. Aberoumand, M.
  6. Williams, J.G.
  7. Shrestha, N.
  8. Aagerup, J.
  9. Sotiropoulos, J.X.
  10. Montgomery, A.A.
  11. Gyte, G.M.L.
  12. Duley, L.
  13. Askie, L.M.
  14. Tarnow-Mordi, W.O.
  15. El-Naggar, W.
  16. Carlo, W.A.
  17. Datta, V.
  18. Lago, V.
  19. Sundaram, V.
  20. Manoj, V.C.
  21. Debray, T.P.A.
  22. Sahoo, T.
  23. Trongkamonthum, T.
  24. Hooper, S.B.
  25. Dias, S.
  26. Pratesi, S.
  27. Badurdeen, S.
  28. Hosono, S.
  29. Belk, S.S.
  30. Shekhar, S.
  31. Chamnanvanakij, S.
  32. Arsan, S.
  33. Knol, R.
  34. Simes, R.J.
  35. Riley, R.D.
  36. Pongmee, P.
  37. Davis, P.G.
  38. Andersson, O.
  39. Dipak, N.K.
  40. Nasef, N.
  41. Allam, N.E.
  42. Mangla, M.K.
  43. Meyer, M.P.
  44. March, M.I.
  45. Kluckow, M.
  46. Goya, M.
  47. de Veciana, M.
  48. Gharehbaghi, M.M.
  49. Robledo, K.P.
  50. Murphy, K.E.
  51. Wallace, K.
  52. Fairchild, K.D.
  53. Josephsen, J.B.
  54. Mercer, J.S.
  55. Dorling, J.S.
  56. Kattwinkel, J.
  57. Liu, J.-Q.
  58. Nour, I.
  59. Atia, H.
  60. Liley, H.G.
  61. Rabe, H.
  62. Al-Wassia, H.K.
  63. Carroli, G.
  64. Polglase, G.R.
  65. Ram Mohan, G.
  66. Dempsey, E.M.
  67. Okulu, E.
  68. Blank, D.A.
  69. Chawla, D.
  70. Ruangkit, C.
  71. Tanprasertkul, C.
  72. De Paco Matallana, C.
  73. Backes, C.H.
  74. Schwaberger, B.
  75. Urlesberger, B.
  76. KC, A.
  77. te Pas, A.B.
  78. Katheria, A.C.
  79. Thukral, A.
  80. George, A.A.
  81. Webster, A.C.
  82. Kugelman, A.
  83. Tan, A.C.
  84. Kumar, A.
  85. Garg, A.
  86. Show all authors +
The Lancet

ISSN: 1474-547X 0140-6736

Year of publication: 2023

Volume: 402

Issue: 10418

Pages: 2223-2234

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(23)02469-8 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

Sustainable development goals